• Fusion BBS

    From antimatter@3:712/132 to ALL on Mon Feb 18 01:10:11 2019
    ad88 88
    d8" ""
    MM88MMM 88 88 ,adPPYba, 88 ,adPPYba, 8b,dPPYba,
    88 88 88 I8[ "" 88 a8" "8a 88P' `"8a
    88 88 88 `"Y8ba, 88 8b d8 88 88
    88 "8a, ,a88 aa ]8I 88 "8a, ,a8" 88 88
    88 `"YbbdP'Y8 `"YbbdP"' 88 `"YbbdP"' 88 88

    telnet: telnet.fusionbbs.online:23 ssh: telnet.fusionbbs.online:2222
    4 nodes | New users login as NEW

    Over 320,000 messages!
    AmigaNet, CommodoreNet, DoreNet, DOVENet, Fidonet, fsxNet, GameNet
    MicroNet, PiNet, RetroNet, SpookNet, SportNet, VKRadio

    Running IBBS Galactic Dynasty (league 21) and For Honour
    More door games coming soon! +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+

    --- mgpost
    * Origin: Fusion BBS (3:712/132)
  • From antimatter@3:712/132 to ALL on Thu Feb 21 00:15:36 2019
    ad88 88
    d8" ""
    MM88MMM 88 88 ,adPPYba, 88 ,adPPYba, 8b,dPPYba,
    88 88 88 I8[ "" 88 a8" "8a 88P' `"8a
    88 88 88 `"Y8ba, 88 8b d8 88 88
    88 "8a, ,a88 aa ]8I 88 "8a, ,a8" 88 88
    88 `"YbbdP'Y8 `"YbbdP"' 88 `"YbbdP"' 88 88

    telnet: telnet.fusionbbs.online:23 ssh: telnet.fusionbbs.online:2222
    4 nodes | New users login as NEW

    Over 320,000 messages!
    AmigaNet, CommodoreNet, DoreNet, DOVENet, Fidonet, fsxNet, GameNet
    MicroNet, PiNet, RetroNet, SpookNet, SportNet, VKRadio

    Huge collection of art scene packs - over 5,500 files
    from groups such as ACiD, iCE and more!

    Running IBBS Galactic Dynasty (league 21) and For Honour
    More door games coming soon! +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+

    --- mgpost
    * Origin: Fusion BBS (3:712/132)
  • From antimatter@3:712/132 to ALL on Tue Mar 5 08:56:26 2019
    ad88 88
    d8" ""
    MM88MMM 88 88 ,adPPYba, 88 ,adPPYba, 8b,dPPYba,
    88 88 88 I8[ "" 88 a8" "8a 88P' `"8a
    88 88 88 `"Y8ba, 88 8b d8 88 88
    88 "8a, ,a88 aa ]8I 88 "8a, ,a8" 88 88
    88 `"YbbdP'Y8 `"YbbdP"' 88 `"YbbdP"' 88 88

    telnet: telnet.fusionbbs.online:23 ssh: telnet.fusionbbs.online:22
    4 nodes | New users login as NEW

    Over 320,000 messages!
    AmigaNet, CommodoreNet, DoreNet, DOVENet, Fidonet, fsxNet, GameNet
    MicroNet, PiNet, RetroNet, SpookNet, SportNet, VKRadio

    Huge collection of art scene packs - over 5,500 files
    from groups such as ACiD, iCE and more!

    Running IBBS Galactic Dynasty (league 21) and For Honour
    More door games coming soon! +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+

    --- mgpost
    * Origin: Fusion BBS (3:712/132)