Hello, Sean Dennis.
On 10/24/20 12:02 PM you wrote:
I have all the watergate utils and I think source code
available here.
From what I remember it was buggy as hell and ended up messing
up the
message base more then working... but I could be remembering
I've got the same stuff here with WG also and yeah, I'm
remembering something about WG screwing up the message bases but I
also want to say that before development on it was abandoned that
problem had been fixed. That was such a long time ago though ...
Yeah, that's the problem with a lot of these ideas I've been having. A lot of FTN and BBS technology is either abandoned or outdated, at least by modern standards, even for all the history and potential there is.
I started out looking for decent ways to connect with BBSes on my phone. Most of the Telnet apps aren't really optimized for BBS use from what I've seen, and the one that I have found that I actually like, fTelnet, has been problematic for me at best. At least the Android App version.
But even with that, I've always preferred the message areas offline. And there isn't a QWK or Bluewave reader app for Android. There are 2 Point system , HotdogEd and Aftershock, both of which are buggy, and have had little or no development in a few years.
There is a project gating some Fidonet echoes to Telegram, a group chat program, but it's a different way that takes getting used to, and is somewhat limited.
Reading back over this, it looks somewhat negative, which isn't what I am going for. I just can picture clearly in my head so many possibilities, but I'm frustrated that I don't see the development I know is possible. And I don't yet have the skills to do it myself.
Best regards!
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