Hello All,BinkIT
Is it possible to run binkd over TLS?
I have done this with Mystic (Mystic needs more work in this area) and
from Synchronet BBS and I'm wondering if this can be done with binkd. The BinkIT implementation seems to be workable in my own testing although more needs to be done.guidance and
If it's possible I'd like to do this with binkd as well but I need
Ttyl :-),
Is it possible to run binkd over TLS?
I have done this with Mystic (Mystic needs more work in this area) and BinkIT
from Synchronet BBS and I'm wondering if this can be done with binkd. The
BinkIT implementation seems to be workable in my own testing although more
needs to be done.
If it's possible I'd like to do this with binkd as well but I need guidance and
I believe I just polled your .2 with binkd via stunnel.
I cannot connect oli, but I can connect you and 2:221/6. :)
binkd conf:
Does the node you are attempting to connect to need to have anything special set up on their end, or does your end only need to be set up touse
Hi Tommi,
On 2019-12-13 07:12:44, you wrote to Dumas Walker:
I had to do this slightly different:
/etc/stunnel # cat binkps.conf cert=/etc/letsencrypt/live/vlzn.nl/fullchain.pem key=/etc/letsencrypt/live/vlzn.nl/privkey.pem
But it seems to work. Can anyone test my node? TLS/SSL connects to my binkd for node 2:280/464 should go to fido.vlzn.nl:24553
Bye, Wilfred.
I cannot connect oli, but I can connect you and 2:221/6. :)
Well, Poll to Oli works now too.
But it seems to work. Can anyone test my node? TLS/SSL connects to my binkd for node 2:280/464 should go to fido.vlzn.nl:24553
I had to do this slightly different:
/etc/stunnel # cat binkps.conf
Ok. I can live with that. :)
14319But it seems to work. Can anyone test my node? TLS/SSL connects to my
binkd for node 2:280/464 should go to fido.vlzn.nl:24553
=== Cut ===
13 Dec 22:15:54 [14318] Substituted * to fido.vlzn.nl. for 2:280/464@fidonet by nodelist + 13 Dec 22:15:54 [14318] call to 2:280/464@fidonet + 13 Dec 22:15:54 [14318] External command 'openssl s_client -quiet -alpn binkp -connect fido.vlzn.nl:24553' started, pid
13 Dec 22:15:54 [14318] connected
+ 13 Dec 22:15:54 [14318] outgoing session with fido.vlzn.nl:binkp
But it seems to work. Can anyone test my node? TLS/SSL connects to my
binkd for node 2:280/464 should go to fido.vlzn.nl:24553
It works.
I will use it for all connections to your node from now on. Let's see
how stable it is (I don't expect any problems).
But I don't see it's absolute usefullness. Because binkd already
encrypts (most) sessions. Only the initial connection setup is unencrypted. But that only contains already public information. Maybe
if you live under a really surpressive regime, and you want to hide
the fact you are communicating in fidonet? Maybe it helps a bit... But
not if they take a closer look, at which IP's you communicate with all
the time...
But I don't see it's absolute usefullness. Because binkd already
encrypts (most) sessions. Only the initial connection setup is
unencrypted. But that only contains already public information. Maybe
if you live under a really surpressive regime, and you want to hide
the fact you are communicating in fidonet? Maybe it helps a bit... But
not if they take a closer look, at which IP's you communicate with all
the time...
I'm not absolutely sure of all the implications. I prefer binkps for the same reasons I prefer https.
I just polled your node over binkps and it seemed to work. :)
But I don't see it's absolute usefullness. Because binkd already
encrypts (most) sessions. Only the initial connection setup is unencrypted. But that only contains already public information. Maybe
if you live under a really surpressive regime, and you want to hide
the fact you are communicating in fidonet? Maybe it helps a bit... But
not if they take a closer look, at which IP's you communicate with all
the time...
I'm not absolutely sure of all the implications. I prefer binkps
for the same reasons I prefer https.
You can't compare binkp and http in that regard.
It may even have an adverse effect. IMHO for us small fish the best defence against a hostile regime is to stay below the radar. Refrain
from being an interesting target, so they don't take that closer look. Using TLS may draw their attention....
You can't compare binkp and http in that regard.
Your probably right. I am not a "network" guy and I don't fully follow
all the reasons for httpd aside from the obvious, it's encrypted.
Hi Alan,
On 2019-12-13 15:31:14, you wrote to me:
But I don't see it's absolute usefullness. Because binkd already
encrypts (most) sessions. Only the initial connection setup is
unencrypted. But that only contains already public information.
Maybe if you live under a really surpressive regime, and you
want to hide the fact you are communicating in fidonet? Maybe it
helps a bit... But not if they take a closer look, at which IP's
you communicate with all the time...
I'm not absolutely sure of all the implications. I prefer binkps
for the same reasons I prefer https.
You can't compare binkp and http in that regard.
You can't compare binkp and http in that regard.Of course you can. Encrypted data transmission over TCP/TLS.
Content can be anything.
specify yourI had to do this slightly different:
/etc/stunnel # cat binkps.conf
Ok. I can live with that. :)
Those are the files letsencrypt generates by default. Don't you need to
(private) key?
But it seems to work. Can anyone test my node? TLS/SSL connects to my
binkd for node 2:280/464 should go to fido.vlzn.nl:24553
=== Cut ===
13 Dec 22:15:54 [14318] Substituted * to fido.vlzn.nl. for
2:280/464@fidonet by nodelist + 13 Dec 22:15:54 [14318] call to
2:280/464@fidonet + 13 Dec 22:15:54 [14318] External command 'openssl
s_client -quiet -alpn binkp -connect fido.vlzn.nl:24553' started, pid 14319
13 Dec 22:15:54 [14318] connected
+ 13 Dec 22:15:54 [14318] outgoing session with fido.vlzn.nl:binkp
It works! :-)
I'm only a bit surprised it came in on IPv4 not like your regular connections on IPv6!?
But I don't see it's absolute usefullness. Because binkd already
encrypts (most) sessions. Only the initial connection setup is
unencrypted. But that only contains already public information. Maybe
if you live under a really surpressive regime, and you want to hide
the fact you are communicating in fidonet? Maybe it helps a bit... But
not if they take a closer look, at which IP's you communicate with all
the time...
beBut I don't see it's absolute usefullness. Because binkd already
encrypts (most) sessions. Only the initial connection setup is
unencrypted. But that only contains already public information.
Maybe if you live under a really surpressive regime, and you
want to hide the fact you are communicating in fidonet? Maybe it
helps a bit... But not if they take a closer look, at which IP's
you communicate with all the time...
I'm not absolutely sure of all the implications. I prefer binkps
for the same reasons I prefer https.
You can't compare binkp and http in that regard.
Of course you can. Encrypted data transmission over TCP/TLS. Content can
You can't compare binkp and http in that regard.
Of course you can. Encrypted data transmission over TCP/TLS.
Content can be anything.
I think the above comment was about http vs binkp. (not https vs. binkps) The point I think was that http is completely unencrypted, and binkp is usudally encrypted after the first packet exchange.
/etc/stunnel # cat binkps.conf
Ok. I can live with that. :)
Those are the files letsencrypt generates by default. Don't you need
to specify your (private) key?
Yes. That "web.pem" of mine contains both.
Your way is better, I changed to that. Thanks!
I'm only a bit surprised it came in on IPv4 not like your regular
connections on IPv6!?
I wonder why openssl in linux prefers ipv4..?
On the contrary. There are probably bilions of TLS connections every
day. Multiple from every device on the net. So a couple of extra don't
get noticed at all.
On the other hand. A special and encrypted binkp protocol connection stands out.
I'm only a bit surprised it came in on IPv4 not like your regular
connections on IPv6!?
I wonder why openssl in linux prefers ipv4..?
Indeed. Did you try ncat as Oli suggested?
On the contrary. There are probably bilions of TLS connections every
day. Multiple from every device on the net. So a couple of extra
don't get noticed at all.
Indeed. Did you try ncat as Oli suggested?
I tried but:
ncat: unrecognized option '--ssl-alpn'
Another stunnel is now up for 2:221/360: rbb.fidonet.fi, port 24567: stunnel in linux, binkd in OS/2. ;)
Mine supports is neither, but --ssl (or even better --ssl-verify) should also work. (Then leave out the 'binkp' which is the argument for the --ssl-alpn option.)
ncat: unrecognized option '--ssl-alpn'
Mine supports is neither, but --ssl (or even better --ssl-verify)
should also work. (Then leave out the 'binkp' which is the argument
for the --ssl-alpn option.)
Well, in my other pi (3b+ with ubuntu 18) it works:
+ 16:15 [17609] call to 2:221/6@fidonet
+ 16:15 [17609] External command 'ncat --ssl-alpn binkp news.fidonet.fi 24567' started, pid 17610
16:15 [17609] connected
+ 16:15 [17609] outgoing session with news.fidonet.fi:24567
- 16:15 [17609] OPT CRAM-MD5-fdbdb5f989a83885d9744f31fa224eee
+ 16:15 [17609] Remote requests MD mode
- 16:15 [17609] SYS mail.fidonet.fi
- 16:15 [17609] ZYZ Tommi Koivula
But still the connection is by ipv4. Funny.
Hi Tommi,2:221/360@fidonet
On 2019-12-14 10:51:08, you wrote to me:
Another stunnel is now up for 2:221/360: rbb.fidonet.fi, port 24567:
stunnel in linux, binkd in OS/2. ;)
Btw: this works:
# ncat --ssl rbb.fidonet.fi 24567
?.OPT CRAM-MD5-fc157639bd1ba3f3099ca284d35e2aee?
SYS RBB/2?ZYZ Tommi Koivula?LOC Lake Ylo, Finland?
NDL IBN,CM?PHN rbb.fidonet.fi?%TIME Sat, 14 Dec 2019 16:18:16 +0200?"VER binkd/1.1a-99.1/OS2 binkp/1.1?3 2:221/0@fidonet 2:221/1@fidonet
This isn't:
# ncat --ssl-verify rbb.fidonet.fi 24567
Ncat: Certificate verification error. QUITTING.
Is your 'rbb' subdomain in your certificate?
I'm getting:Tommi
# date; ncat --ssl news.fidonet.fi 24567
za dec 14 15:53:37 CET 2019
Ncat: Connection refused.
# date; ncat --ssl 2001:41d0:401:3100::1030 24567
za dec 14 15:55:05 CET 2019
Ncat: Connection refused.
# date; ncat --ssl 24567
za dec 14 15:55:20 CET 2019
?.OPT CRAM-MD5-96df98185a01b1b27afe1464129b44ee?SYS mail.fidonet.fi?ZYZ
Koivula?LOC EU?%NDL 100M,IBN,IBNS:24567,CM,NNTP,IPv6?%TIME Sat, 14 Dec2019 16:5
...only tries
So your stunnel doesn't even seem to be listening on IPv6? And my ncat
IPv6 if given the hostname, so it seems...
# ncat --ssl-verify rbb.fidonet.fi 24567
Ncat: Certificate verification error. QUITTING.
Is your 'rbb' subdomain in your certificate?
I think not. This dual linux + os/2 thing is a bit weird. :)
So your stunnel doesn't even seem to be listening on IPv6? And my
ncat only tries IPv6 if given the hostname, so it seems...
Corrected, added "flags = ipv6" to xinetd conf.
But it does not explain why my outbound "openssl" is ipv4?
I dont know about certbot-auto, I dont have it.
ncat --ssl-verify rbb.fidonet.fi 24567
should be fine now.
My ncat does, and 'man openssl' doesn't even mention IPv6. Maybe it's something in your /etc/gai.conf ?
It may even have an adverse effect. IMHO for us small fish the
best defence against a hostile regime is to stay below the radar.
Refrain from being an interesting target, so they don't take that
closer look. Using TLS may draw their attention....
Security by obscurity is not a good way forward.
That depends. But not using TLS is hardly "obscurity" isn't it?
I am still puzzled. I appreciate that binkd over TLS may be an
interesting challenge from the technical POV. As such I may give it a
try myself one day if I figure out how to do it under Windows.
I can understand why one would use https instead of http when dealing
with sensitive information such as bank account numbers etc. But for Fidonet? What are you trying to hide/protect from whom?
TLS does not hide the meta data such as what IP communicates with what other IP. Binkd already has encryption on the pkt content level.
Plus that 99% of Fidonet is echomail and encryting echomail makes
little or no sense. For routed netmail, using encrytion on the
transport level does not protect against snooping by sysops en route.
So other than the pure sensation of a technical challenge, why?
I can understand why one would use https instead of http when
dealing with sensitive information such as bank account numbers
etc. But for Fidonet? What are you trying to hide/protect from
I have nothing to hide. I would just prefer to be secure that
TLS does not hide the meta data such as what IP communicates with
what other IP. Binkd already has encryption on the pkt content
I don't want or need to hide the fact I am on and using the internet.
I would like passwords to be hidden from anyone who might be snooping
my traffic.
Plus that 99% of Fidonet is echomail and encryting echomail makes
little or no sense. For routed netmail, using encrytion on the
transport level does not protect against snooping by sysops en
Mystic's implementation of all this includes netmail optionaly. When Mystic nodes use an encryption key between nodes netmail between them
is encrypted. If it is stored, it is stored in an encrypted state.
I know this because I had a typo in my encryption key at one time and could not read my own netmail.. :)
So other than the pure sensation of a technical challenge, why?
It's not sensational. It is just security. Security must be important
at some level or there would not be a crypt option at all.
I think TLS is just the way it is done today.
On 15.12.2019 9:29, Michiel van der Vlist - Alan Ianson :
Why not? :)
Why not? :)
I can think of several reasons:
1) Don't fix it if it ain't broke. I am not convinced yet that binkd's security is broke and needs fixing.
I am not convinced that TLS offers better protection against snooping
than what binkd alread hasy. Half of TLS is providing authoritative identity to the server. I don't see any value for that in Fidonet.
TTBOMK there has been no case of someone succesfully setting up a
rogue node amd maskerading for someone else. If only because there is
no bussines model..
2) It violates the KISS principle. I see little or no added value in adding TLS to Binkd. In the case of Binkd it just makes things more complicatied and prone to misconfigutaion and other mishaps.
3) If it were integrated in Binkd it would be one thing, but I looked
at stunnel for Windows and it exists. But it does not look all that
easy to implement. There is lots of room for typos and other errors.
4) The stunnel method does not scale well. It has the same problem as running an old IPv4 only application via a 6to4 proxy. Incoming is
easy, outgoing requires a dedicated setting for each destination. Does
not scale well beyond 10 destinations or so.
5) A weakness of TLS is that it depends on a third party: the
Certificate Authority. I don't like to be dependant om a third party. Fidonet was designed as a peer to peer network.
6) I suspect the main reason for the existance of certificates is that
it is a bussiness model for those issuing the certificates.
Do folks still use PGP? Something like that is also possible although we are stepping away from simplicity again.
TLS certainly offers better security. No question.[...]
I currently use a self signed certificate.
I currently use a self signed certificate. I could also get a
certificate from letsencrypt or elsewhere if that would be better.
Do folks still use PGP? Something like that is also possible although
we are stepping away from simplicity again.
6) I suspect the main reason for the existance of certificates isI do have a certificate from letsencrypt that I use for my domain. It hasn't cost me any extra $$$ to date.
that it is a bussiness model for those issuing the certificates.
1) Don't fix it if it ain't broke. I am not convinced yet that
binkd's security is broke and needs fixing.
I don't think binkd or the binkp protocol are broken and need fixing.
I am not convinced that TLS offers better protection against
snooping than what binkd alread hasy. Half of TLS is providing
authoritative identity to the server. I don't see any value for
that in Fidonet. TTBOMK there has been no case of someone
succesfully setting up a rogue node amd maskerading for someone
else. If only because there is no bussines model..
This has happened in the past. nobogus comes to mind.
TLS certainly offers better security. No question.
2) It violates the KISS principle. I see little or no added value
in adding TLS to Binkd. In the case of Binkd it just makes things
more complicatied and prone to misconfigutaion and other mishaps.
It does require some setup. Synchronet's BinkIT mailer currently has support for a binkps listener setup like this in Synchronet's
This was all done without changing binkp. We have simply put binkp on
a secure channel.
Then what problem ARE we trying to fix?
Apples and oranges. Nobogus solved problems created by rouge CLIENTS.
TLS does not protect against that. It only authorises the /server/,
not the /client/.
TLS certainly offers better security. No question.
So you say. But merely claiming it is "better" is just like claiming aluminium is "better" than copper.
In what way is TLS "better"? A claim of "better" security has to be
more specific than just that. Better than what? Better against what threats and by whom?
It does require some setup. Synchronet's BinkIT mailer currently
has support for a binkps listener setup like this in Synchronet's
The world of Fidonet is bigger than Synchronet (Thank god). You make
it sound like "Synchronet supports it, so it must be a good thing".
Sorry, I am not of the "Synchronet is better" club.
This was all done without changing binkp. We have simply put
binkp on a secure channel.
But why? I still have no answer for that. Let me put it this way:
If binkd over TLS is the solution, what is the problem?
I currently use a self signed certificate.
Self-signed certificate means no security, unless you publish your CA pubkey somewhere and client verifies it.
Apples and oranges. Nobogus solved problems created by rouge CLIENTS.
TLS does not protect against that.
It only authorises the /server/, not the /client/.
Then what problem ARE we trying to fix?
We are not trying to fix problems. We are trying to be secure.
Apples and oranges. Nobogus solved problems created by rouge
CLIENTS. TLS does not protect against that. It only authorises
the /server/, not the /client/.
TLS needs to be supported and used by both client and server.
In what way is TLS "better"? A claim of "better" security has to
be more specific than just that. Better than what? Better against
what threats and by whom?
I can't answer why, I don't know all the reasons why. TLS is the
standard method used today to secure traffic on the internet,
and I would like to be secure.
We could also just stand still and see how it goes.
I am just being proactive WRT security.
It does require some setup. Synchronet's BinkIT mailer currently
has support for a binkps listener setup like this in
Synchronet's services.ini
The world of Fidonet is bigger than Synchronet (Thank god). You
make it sound like "Synchronet supports it, so it must be a good
thing". Sorry, I am not of the "Synchronet is better" club.
True. I want us all to be secure regardless of our choice of software.
This was all done without changing binkp. We have simply put
binkp on a secure channel.
But why? I still have no answer for that. Let me put it this way:
If binkd over TLS is the solution, what is the problem?
There is no problem here that we are trying to solve.
Binkd currently supports an option called CRYPT, for the purposes of security.
That was a good option when it was implemented.
Today TLS is used for the purposes of security.
I could be all wrong but I think TLS is a better option, that's all.
Maybe I said that wrong. How about this. Binkd's CRYPT option is weak
(by todays standards).
Maybe we should think about using something more up to date, like TLS.
Self-signed certificate means no security, unless you publish
your CA pubkey somewhere and client verifies it.
Even if one publishes the pub key somewhere. It is still like:
I, Michiel van der Vlist - self appointed Certified Authority - hereby declare that when Michiel van der Vlist claims to be Michiel van der Vlist, he is telling the truth. For verifications, download my public
key from my website: www.vlist.eu/pubkey.
A self signed certificate is usefull for testing the setup in the lab.
For real use in the big bad world it is useless.
Apples and oranges. Nobogus solved problems created by rouge
CLIENTS. TLS does not protect against that. It only authorises
the /server/, not the /client/.
You can authenticate the client as well.
But naturally then every client needs a signed certificate, and the
server needs to verify that client certificate.
You can authenticate the client as well.Yes, I know, it can be done. But TLS was designed around a
client/server model and authentication of the client is not standard.
But naturally then every client needs a signed certificate, andIndeed. And what is the added value of that?
the server needs to verify that client certificate.
Binkp's CRYPT protects against unauthorised listeners on the channel.
I am not aware of binkp's security being compromised.
Plus that I still wonder what we are protecting against whom. Do we
really need 10 cm armour and triple locks to protect Fidonet content?
I mean something different. For example, if it would be somehow
possible to store CA pubkey in the nodelist, it could work.
Or we could have a global FIDONET CA. :)
I mean something different. For example, if it would be somehowThat would mean a significant redesign of the format of the nodelist. WHich would make a lot of nodelist processing sofware go in a flat
possible to store CA pubkey in the nodelist, it could work.
spin. I am not sure we should go that way...
Or we could have a global FIDONET CA. :)Experience with previous "centralised authority" in Fidonet tells me
this is a bad idea. Can you say "echolist"?
If I have to choose between the two evils of a centralised authority within Fidonet or one outside Fidonet, I'd pefer the latter. At last
the latter presumably has no interest in playing fidonet politcal
MvdV>> So other than the pure sensation of a technical challenge, why?
Why not? :)
I can think of several reasons:
1) Don't fix it if it ain't broke.
But this does not make it less standard, only less used. You can
import a client certificate into Firefox and other browsers for a long period of time. And you can use this as a more secure means of authentication.
But naturally then every client needs a signed certificate, and
the server needs to verify that client certificate.
Indeed. And what is the added value of that?
There is potential value. (eg. passwords can be very easy to guess ... toor, passw0rd, ...)
client certificates are much more secure than eg. 8 digit passwords.
I doubt that that added value is "worth it" in fidonet, where many
people used ancient software, and only a small minority is interested
to roll out new features.
Binkp's CRYPT protects against unauthorised listeners on the
channel. I am not aware of binkp's security being compromised.
I am also not aware of it. But you have to admit that security
researchers have more prestigeous targets then binkd crypt. (So I
assume that it was never really challenged and analyzed.)
Breaking TLS gains you lots of $$$, so many people try it. (without
any knowledge of then being successful.)
Plus that I still wonder what we are protecting against whom. Do
we really need 10 cm armour and triple locks to protect Fidonet
Why not? ;)
Using binkp in a stunnel definitely will not weaken the security.
(eg. if you break the stunnel, you still are left with the same binkp stream that you would have had previously.) And adding a TLS option
for clients that support it, will not be weaker than our existing
crypt implementation.
So it is doable, and would benefit security from my point of view.
But I do not think many people would use it.
The easiest target would be to have a second port where you can make stunnel connections. (this is not very practicable from my point of
view, outside of PoC) Or the second easiest but more useable target
would be to implement starttls and use it if both parties support it. (relying on passwords, not client certificates)
download my public key from my website: www.vlist.eu/pubkey.
Binkp's CRYPT protects against unauthorised listeners on the channel.
I am not aware of binkp's security being compromised.
I am also not aware of it.
Synchronet/BBS Terminology Definition #22:
DSL = Digital Subscriber Line
Synchronet/BBS Terminology Definition #22:
DSL = Digital Subscriber Line
DSL stands for "Deep Scattering Layer". It is a thin horizontal zone of living organisms in the ocean located in the water column. This layer appears to rise in the evening and to descend in the morning. It is named this way because it has the property to reflect sound waves, same as the seabed.
In technical language this layer therefore is also refered to as "false bottom".
We are not trying to fix problems. We are trying to be secure.
"Secure" is meaningless without specifying against WHAT. What threats
are we securing against?
In what way is TLS "better"? A claim of "better" security has to
be more specific than just that. Better than what? Better
against what threats and by whom?
That does not make it better for use in Fidonet. Fidonet is not the InterNet, it just makes use of it.
and I would like to be secure.
You keep saying that,
In order to move forward, one first has to know which direction
matches "forward".
Maybe I said that wrong. How about this. Binkd's CRYPT option is
weak (by todays standards).
In what way is it weak? Has it been cracked?
Maybe we should think about using something more up to date, like
"More up to date" is not better by definition. With governments that
keep pushing for backdoors in encryption, "someting more up to date"
may actually be a step back.
The Synchronet fans do not seem to like starttls, they want a diffrent port.
So we alreay have two competing standards...
Synchronet/BBS Terminology Definition #22:
DSL = Digital Subscriber Line
DSL stands for "Deep Scattering Layer". It is a thin horizontal zone
of living organisms in the ocean located in the water column. This
layer appears to rise in the evening and to descend in the morning. It
is named this way because it has the property to reflect sound waves,
same as the seabed.
In technical language this layer therefore is also refered to as
"false bottom".
There is potential value. (eg. passwords can be very easy toThat is not a shortcoming of the protocol, it is a shortcoming of the user.
guess ... toor, passw0rd, ...)
client certificates are much more secure than eg. 8 digitBinkd session passwords are not limited to 8 characters.
A properly choosen 25 byte string is impossible to guess I'd say.
A brute force attack won't work very well with binkd either. So I
don't think that part of binkd can be considered "weak".
I doubt that that added value is "worth it" in fidonet, whereFrankly I see no significant added value at this point. It just adds overhead...
many people used ancient software, and only a small minority is
interested to roll out new features.
Breaking TLS gains you lots of $$$, so many people try it.I suspect it is already boken by government agencies.
(without any knowledge of then being successful.)
Those are the ones that have the resources...
(eg. if you break the stunnel, you still are left with the sameUnless you use TLS not in addition to but instead of binkp session password and CRYPT.
binkp stream that you would have had previously.) And adding a
TLS option for clients that support it, will not be weaker than
our existing crypt implementation.
The easiest target would be to have a second port where you canThe Synchronet fans do not seem to like starttls, they want a diffrent port. So we alreay have two competing standards...
make stunnel connections. (this is not very practicable from my
point of view, outside of PoC) Or the second easiest but more
useable target would be to implement starttls and use it if both
parties support it. (relying on passwords, not client
The Synchronet fans do not seem to like starttls, they want aThe people-in-the-know don't like starttls: https://serverfault.com/questions/523804/is-starttls-less-safe-than-tl s-ssl
diffrent port.
The people-in-the-know don't like starttls: https://serverfault.com/questions/523804/is-starttls-less-safe-than-tl s-ssl
download my public key from my website: www.vlist.eu/pubkey.
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Hi Rob!
17 Dec 2019 15:11, from Rob Swindell -> Michiel van der Vlist:
The Synchronet fans do not seem to like starttls, they want aThe people-in-the-know don't like starttls: https://serverfault.com/questions/523804/is-starttls-less-safe-than-tl s-ssl
diffrent port.
There was a discussion recently here, where it was stated that those discussions are focused around mail.
So is your link.
Alexey posted a link about this (including a link ... sadly I am too busy currently to deep dive on this).
And generally talking about "the people in the know" is a bit very generalized ;)
Some people knowledgable do not like it.
That is not a shortcoming of the protocol, it is a shortcoming of
the user.
But the protocol allows it.
With client certificates that problem does not exist.
(but others do ;))
client certificates are much more secure than eg. 8 digit
Binkd session passwords are not limited to 8 characters.
I know.
But many passwords are 8 characters.
That is why I put the eg. there.
A properly choosen 25 byte string is impossible to guess I'd say.
A brute force attack won't work very well with binkd either. So I
don't think that part of binkd can be considered "weak".
If you are using a good password, then yes.
I doubt that that added value is "worth it" in fidonet, where
many people used ancient software, and only a small minority is
interested to roll out new features.
Frankly I see no significant added value at this point. It just
adds overhead...
I have the gut feeling that proper implemented TLS is much more secure against crypto analysis then the current crypt implementation. And no,
it is just a gut feeling, I cannot provide a link to a paper.
Breaking TLS gains you lots of $$$, so many people try it.
(without any knowledge of then being successful.)
I suspect it is already boken by government agencies.
Those are the ones that have the resources...
Pre Snowden it was not broken.
As long as there is no quantum attack ongoing I believe it to be quite secure currently. On the other hand the number of stable QBits in
publicly known quantum computers is increasing rapidly. If a
government has much more advanced quantum computers, then it is
absolutely possible that those codes can be broken.
(eg. if you break the stunnel, you still are left with the same
binkp stream that you would have had previously.) And adding a
TLS option for clients that support it, will not be weaker than
our existing crypt implementation.
Unless you use TLS not in addition to but instead of binkp
session password and CRYPT.
That was the usecase of just slap a stunnel before the whole thing.
I think nobody seriously thought about replacing passwords.
The easiest target would be to have a second port where you can
make stunnel connections. (this is not very practicable from my
point of view, outside of PoC) Or the second easiest but more
useable target would be to implement starttls and use it if both
parties support it.
(relying on passwords, not client certificates)
The Synchronet fans do not seem to like starttls, they want a
diffrent port. So we alreay have two competing standards...
(Nearly) nobody will use it with a different port.
The only way to gain any traction is to implement it transparently,
and if both partners implement the extension, then TLS will be used, otherwise you fallback to the current method.
My 2 cents.
"Secure" is meaningless without specifying against WHAT. What
threats are we securing against?
Any and all.
I believe that TLS is an open standard, largely accepted as a secure mechanism for internet transport today.
That does not make it better for use in Fidonet. Fidonet is not
the InterNet, it just makes use of it.
There are very few dial-up nodes today. The vast majority of traffic
today is carried over the internet. That is unavoidable unless we go
back to dial-up and I don't think that is going to happen.
and I would like to be secure.
You keep saying that,
Yes, it is nothing more than that.
In order to move forward, one first has to know which direction
matches "forward".
The TLS option is a very secure one.
Maybe I said that wrong. How about this. Binkd's CRYPT option is
weak (by todays standards).
In what way is it weak? Has it been cracked?
Yes, many years ago.
Maybe we should think about using something more up to date,
like TLS.
"More up to date" is not better by definition. With governments
that keep pushing for backdoors in encryption, "someting more up
to date" may actually be a step back.
TLS has been developed in the open so no backdoors there.
That does not make it better for use in Fidonet. Fidonet is not
the InterNet, it just makes use of it.
There are very few dial-up nodes today. The vast majority of
traffic today is carried over the internet. That is unavoidable
unless we go back to dial-up and I don't think that is going to
Sure POTS is on the way out. Fidonet uses the Internet as the main
means of transport. So?
The TLS option is a very secure one.
There is no such thing as universal security. I have reason to trust
the electronic key that protects my car against theft. It does not
protect against a thief breaking into my house to steal the key. It
also does not protect against a thief with a row truck.
Maybe I said that wrong. How about this. Binkd's CRYPT option
is weak (by todays standards).
In what way is it weak? Has it been cracked?
Yes, many years ago.
In the context of Fidonet or in the context of PkZip?
Maybe we should think about using something more up to date,
like TLS.
"More up to date" is not better by definition. With governments
that keep pushing for backdoors in encryption, "someting more up
to date" may actually be a step back.
TLS has been developed in the open so no backdoors there.
1) Open source is no absolute guarantee against backdoors or other weaknesses.
Sorry, I see TLS in Fidonet as shooting on a musquito with a canon.
Maybe I said that wrong. How about this. Binkd's CRYPT option
is weak (by todays standards).
In what way is it weak? Has it been cracked?
Yes, many years ago.
In the context of Fidonet or in the context of PkZip?
That algorithm. The same is true of the algorithm used by rar. The
folks behind the rar archiver may has changed the algrithm they use
today, I don't know.
I still think the TLS option would serve us well.
Too much of a good thing?
Is there a documented case of someone successfully gaining
unauthorised access to the secure inbound of a Fidenet node by
breaking the algoritm and doing any harm that way?
Is there a documented case of anyone listening in on the stream by breaking the algoritm and causing any harm that way?
I still think the TLS option would serve us well.
I say for Fidonet it is shooting a canon at a musquito.
Too much of a good thing?
Too much hassle for the added value.
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