On January 21st 1998 the Washington Post broke the story about the JK>>> > Clinton\Lewinsky affair.
Happy anniversary mister President.
Warning, Warning, Warning: No cats or dogs mentioned in message.
I beg to differ, Clinton was getting a lot of pussy.
Eh... I think he got something else... Lol
Reminds me of the joke where this woman was holding the cremated ashes
of her late husband in her hand.
She says "You know what, Harry?? You know that fancy car and fancy
house you said you'd never let me have?? Well, I've got both now, and
I'm the envy of the neighborhood!!".
She added "Amd, about that blow job you said I'd never give you??
Well..." -- and with that she inhales, then blows the ashes out of her
hand to the ground. <G>
(There's your next HUMOR entry for the FIDOGazette) <G>.
þ OLX 1.53 þ Life is fragile...handle with prayer.
--- SBBSecho 3.06-Win32
* Origin: FIDONet: The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net (1:19/33)