Hello All!
Wednesday May 13 2020 14:08, I wrote to you:
If the echo also has rules then the moderator has two options:
1. Include within the .ECO file as the last keyword :
Followed by the rules content and this can be any number of lines but
none exceeding 75 characters wide and this is to help the older BBS to
cope as some may have been designed for working under DOS when users
had a 80 column screen.
At then end of the rules the last line must be a line with :
If the keyword RULETEXT is being used in a submission file then the
elist program will extract the content between RULETEXT and ---
creating a (wait for it ) file echtag.RUL and these are stored in the master directory rules which is part of the ELST archive sent out each
month or the weekly EL archive.
Sorry, my Golded editor changes the text whenever you use 3 hyphens, hence in 4th para in placeed a ! in the middle but it didn't do it in the 5th para as the 3 hyphens are not at the start of the line.
Must try and remember this....
--- Mageia Linux v7.1 X64/Mbse v1.0.7.13/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: The Elist Maintainer (2:250/1)