Janis Kracht wrote to All <=-
Quote of The Day ================================================================
In Private, Republicans Admit They Acquitted Trump Out of
One journalist remarked to me, "How in the world can these
senators walk around here upright when they have no
By Sherrod Brown
Janis Kracht wrote to All <=-
Quote of The Day
In Private, Republicans Admit They Acquitted Trump Out of
One journalist remarked to me, "How in the world can these
senators walk around here upright when they have no
By Sherrod Brown
Is that kind of political crap really necessary? Do you want to
turn this into the same kind of sewer that is FIDONEWS?
Yes, it is necessary...
Too bad you won't stand up to that bully.
Janis Kracht wrote to Dan Clough <=-
Quote of The Day
In Private, Republicans Admit They Acquitted Trump Out of
One journalist remarked to me, "How in the world can these
senators walk around here upright when they have no
By Sherrod Brown
Is that kind of political crap really necessary? Do you want to
turn this into the same kind of sewer that is FIDONEWS?
Yes, it is necessary...
Too bad you won't stand up to that bully.
Too bad you won't stand up to that bully.
You're using your position as editor as a bully pulpit. In this scope, that makes you no better than what you're accusing Trump of.
In Private, Republicans Admit They Acquitted Trump Out of
One journalist remarked to me, "How in the world can these
senators walk around here upright when they have no
By Sherrod Brown
Is that kind of political crap really necessary? Do you want to
turn this into the same kind of sewer that is FIDONEWS?
Too bad you won't stand up to that bully.
Ahhh, Okay, I get it. You're a snowflake and need a safe space.
Take your Gazette, your echo, and your vile libtard attitude and
shove them up your ass.
Ahhh, Okay, I get it. You're a snowflake and need a safe space.
Yes, it is necessary...
Too bad you won't stand up to that bully.
Why? What does it accomplish, besides stirring up crap in an echoIn Private, Republicans Admit They Acquitted Trump Out ofIs that kind of political crap really necessary? Do you want to
One journalist remarked to me, "How in the world can these
senators walk around here upright when they have no
By Sherrod Brown
turn this into the same kind of sewer that is FIDONEWS?
Yes, it is necessary...
which doesn't need politics in it? You think you're gonna change
Trump (or anyone else) with this bullshit?
Politics is just about everywhere else. Can't we have an echo
that doesn't have it?
Too bad you won't stand up to that bully.Ahhh, Okay, I get it. You're a snowflake and need a safe space.
Take your Gazette, your echo, and your vile libtard attitude and
shove them up your ass.
One journalist remarked to me, "How in the world can these
senators walk around here upright when they have no
By Sherrod Brown
Is that kind of political crap really necessary? Do you want to
turn this into the same kind of sewer that is FIDONEWS?
good one. ah, crap. this was no joke, you mean that seriously ...?!
WhAT aBout STFU for a while and reflect on your own behaviour?
Yes, it is necessary...
Too bad you won't stand up to that bully.
Sounds a lot like Bjorn trotting out that same spacious logic when George W. Bush was president. And to paraphrase Ross Cassell:
...What exactly do you want your fellow Fido Sysops
to do about it?
Ross and I have always been on the opposite spectrum of political views regarding politics in the U.S.A. and yet we have remained friends. It's called respect for an individual's beliefs.
It "cheapens" your 'zine when you involve American politics, just like how Bjorn has cheapened Fidonews for decades with his anti-American rantings. You two actually have a lot in common with the way you like to play games.
I can't really do anything about that,
but perhaps you could also add a
disclaimer to your "Zone 1 blog" that links off the official fidonet.org domain regarding the American political news that has absolutely nothing to do with Fidonet... nor does it represent the views of all Zone 1 Sysops.
Or shall your links be removed entirely?
apparent.. I'll have to ask my brother, he's a Canadian citizen... maybe "y guys" think different than us here "down-er under". He's lived there since was about 18... he's 67 now.
Either you clean up your site ASAP so it promotes FIDONET and NOT American politics on your "Zone 1 blog", or I will make the necessary corrections!
Either you clean up your site ASAP so it promotes FIDONET and NOT Ameri politics on your "Zone 1 blog", or I will make the necessary correction
It would be good to know which hat you are wearing when you are making 'or else ...' threats
You are sure this will not backfire?
I quoted an article with no comment.. and yet the maggots collected.
I quoted an article with no comment.. and yet the maggots collected.
That is true, and it has been "the news" in the USA for sure lately. If
you post links to other hot topic news items in past issues, this is really not that different.
..I could be wrong, but I believe that Mr. Trump
is a vindictive individual.
On 02-08-20 22:25, August Abolins <=-
spoke to Janis Kracht about Mr T <=-
I would say that he has very good reason to be angry, but to label him vindictive would not be the right word. ;)
You are right Nick, it is very simple. Please build your own pages, host t on your site, have Ward change the link and it's all done.
On 02-08-20 22:25, August Abolins <=-
spoke to Janis Kracht about Mr T <=-
I would say that he has very good reason to be angry, but to label him
vindictive would not be the right word. ;)
Responded to in the all-politics echo where such discussion belongs.
So while you tell everyone else "no politics" in here in the echo rules, you SD>take carte blanche for spouting yours? I thought you were above being SD>hypocritical.
They are in there by God's Direct or Permissive Will...whether mankind
likes it or not.
On 08 Feb 20 20:59:42, Janis Kracht said the following to Nick Andre:t
You are right Nick, it is very simple. Please build your own pages, host
on your site, have Ward change the link and it's all done.
Done. In progress.
Done. In progress.
After days (and nights) of hard work by the *Clowns they managed to scrub an piece of useful infomation from www.z1.fidonet.org and replaced it with a "4
What exactly have you contributed to Fidonet, other than anal vapor?
What exactly have you contributed to Fidonet, other than anal vapor?
Really Nick?
On 12 Feb 20 13:52:22, Janis Kracht said the following to Nick Andre:
What exactly have you contributed to Fidonet, other than anal vapor?
Really Nick?
Its a simple question for "Oli". If someone is going to call me a name or attempt to troll me, then I respond accordingly.
What exactly have you contributed to Fidonet, other than anal vapor?
Really Nick?
Its a simple question for "Oli". If someone is going to call me a name or attempt to troll me, then I respond accordingly.
I dunno... reminds me of the famous saying, "he who smelt it dealt it.."
I dunno... reminds me of the famous saying, "he who smelt it dealt it.."
I'm proud of my farts
They are in there by God's Direct or Permissive Will...whether mankind JK>> likes it or not.
That's a bit depressing :)
They are in there by God's Direct or Permissive Will...whether mankind
likes it or not.
That's a bit depressing :)
King Herod (or his ancestor) during Jesus' day was certainly no "model ruler".
There was a poltical race in the state...a runoff race...and it ended
up in a TIE. They say they have to wait on overseas and absentee
ballots. I have to wonder if they're going to flip a coin, or a have a gunfight for the winner. I better stop now, before I get in trouble. :P
They are in there by God's Direct or Permissive Will...whether mankind
likes it or not.
That's a bit depressing :)
King Herod (or his ancestor) during Jesus' day was certainly no "model ruler".
There was a poltical race in the state...a runoff race...and it ended
up in a TIE. They say they have to wait on overseas and absentee
ballots. I have to wonder if they're going to flip a coin, or a have a gunfight for the winner. I better stop now, before I get in trouble. :P
And I never need to hide behind an alias or point address when I do so.
And I never need to hide behind an alias or point address when I do so
But you are using a nick name.
King Herod (or his ancestor) during Jesus' day was certainly no "model JK>> ruler".
No he wasn't if one has read the bible :(
"Jesus Christ Superstar Live!" which played on NBC on April 1, 2018 had my JK>favorite version King Herod, played by Alice Cooper. I always found Alice JK>Cooper distasteful, but what a great job he did as Herod :)
Did you get to see that perfomance on television?
No, I did not. I just have high speed internet here...no TV.
No, I did not. I just have high speed internet here...no TV.
I saw it on Broadway in 1972 ... the original thing.
I saw it on Broadway in 1972 ... the original thing.
I saw it on Broadway in 1972 ... the original thing.
I saw it on Broadway in 1972 ... the original thing.
Never saw a show on Broadway...the last show I saw in Little Rock was
"A Chorus Line".
Here's a link to the TV version I mentioned, it's a just a touch different
from the broadway version... and the stars in it are incredible: (John
Legend, Sarah Barellis<sp>, Alice Cooper and others whose names I can't
remember at the moment :) ) Alice Cooper and John Legend really made the
production so incredible.
Here's a link to the TV version I mentioned, it's a just a touch different >> from the broadway version... and the stars in it are incredible: (John
Legend, Sarah Barellis<sp>, Alice Cooper and others whose names I can't
remember at the moment :) ) Alice Cooper and John Legend really made the
production so incredible.
Thanks for pointing that one out.
I had a look. I liked the use of multiple cameras following the actors on stage. Cooper had a small roll but it was well cast for him.
microphone pickups were not the best for everyone.
But visually, it was
an amazing setting.
So while you tell everyone else "no politics" in here in the echo rules, you >>take carte blanche for spouting yours?
Janis Kracht wrote to Sean Dennis <=-
Not to drag this on, but you said:
So while you tell everyone else "no politics" in here in the echo rules, you
take carte blanche for spouting yours?
The rules of the echo are talking about Fidonet politics, not
"politics" in general.
I'll make that clear in an updated version of the rules.
Thanks for pointing that one out.
Very welcome :)
You are right Nick, it is ve
So....at last....this echo is open to `political' discussion....right?!
Janis Kracht wrote to TIM RICHARDSON <=-
So....at last....this echo is open to `political' discussion....right?!
Only libtard discussions are allowed here.
Sorry to disappoint!
Only libtard discussions are allowed here.
Sorry to disappoint!
Well, Libtards are going to be *QUITE* disappointed come November.
Well, Libtards are going to be *QUITE* disappointed come November.
"Heads exploding" levels of disappointment.
Janis Kracht wrote to TIM RICHARDSON <=-
So....at last....this echo is open to `political' discussion....right?!
Only libtard discussions are allowed here.
Sorry to disappoint!
Well, Libtards are going to be *QUITE* disappointed come November.
"Heads exploding" levels of disappointment.
Janis Kracht wrote to Dan Clough <=-
Janis Kracht wrote to TIM RICHARDSON <=-
So....at last....this echo is open to `political' discussion....right?!
Only libtard discussions are allowed here.
Sorry to disappoint!
Well, Libtards are going to be *QUITE* disappointed come November.
"Heads exploding" levels of disappointment.
I think that is quite an exaggeration, Dan. Yes, I expect Trump
will win again, but not because he deserves to or because he is
some 'master politician'. If he wins again it will be because
typically elections for people already office are generally
reelected. I've always said this, and for instance long ago when
Ross Cassell contacted me, fearful that he would lose a relection
for Regional Coordinator, I told him not to worry... he would be
relected no problem. And he was.
So if Trump is reelected, it will be at no level of surprise, no
heads exploding, and we will just have to work harder to displace
those in our house and senate who are republican.
Then again, I could be completely wrong, and the groundswell of responsible people will kick the bum out. :)
Take care,
Well, Libtards are going to be *QUITE* disappointed come November.
Be careful... the last election, the side that had the biggest heads about MP>it being a sure thing were the ones that went through all of the stages of MP>grief (some rather publicly) between 6PM ET election night and the next MP>morning.
Then, she didn't have the courage to come down before her supporters,
to tell them that she had lost. Yet, you didn't hear a peep about this
from the mainstream media.
Then again, I could be completely wrong, and the groundswell of
responsible people will kick the bum out. :)
Honestly, and as a Republican, I say this: The best thing going
for Trump are the opposition candidates... No, really. America
is not ready to elect a Socialist or an old washed up has-been who
shows signs of dementia setting in. The other candidates have
nearly a zero chance of going a day past Super Tuesday. So if the
Dems put up Crazy Bernie or Creepy Joe, it's all over.
Oli wrote to Dan Clough <=-
First you complain about politics in Fidogazette (followed by a
swift response of the Clown) and then you are trying to turn this
echo in the same shithole as Fidonews. Well done ...
Oli wrote to Dan Clough <=-
First you complain about politics in Fidogazette (followed by a
swift response of the Clown) and then you are trying to turn this
echo in the same shithole as Fidonews. Well done ...
Real names are required in Fidonet echos. Go away, troll.
Then again, I could be completely wrong, and the groundswell of
responsible people will kick the bum out. :)
Honestly, and as a Republican, I say this: The best thing going
for Trump are the opposition candidates... No, really. America
is not ready to elect a Socialist or an old washed up has-been who
shows signs of dementia setting in. The other candidates have
nearly a zero chance of going a day past Super Tuesday. So if the
Dems put up Crazy Bernie or Creepy Joe, it's all over.
First you complain about politics in Fidogazette (followed by a swift response >of the Clown) and then you are trying to turn this echo in the same shithole a
Fidonews. Well done ...
Janis Kracht wrote to Dan Clough <=-
Real names are required in Fidonet echos. Go away, troll.
You are not the moderator of this echo.
You are wrong, btw, it is up to the moderator of the echo to
decide if real names are used in a particular echo.
Janis Kracht wrote to Oli <=-
Then again, I could be completely wrong, and the groundswell of
responsible people will kick the bum out. :)
Honestly, and as a Republican, I say this: The best thing going
for Trump are the opposition candidates... No, really. America
is not ready to elect a Socialist or an old washed up has-been who
shows signs of dementia setting in. The other candidates have
nearly a zero chance of going a day past Super Tuesday. So if the
Dems put up Crazy Bernie or Creepy Joe, it's all over.
First you complain about politics in Fidogazette (followed by a swift response
of the Clown) and then you are trying to turn this echo in the same shithole a
Fidonews. Well done ...
That's what it feels like to me as well, Oli.
So....at last....this echo is open to `political' discussion....right?!
Only libtard discussions are allowed here.
Sorry to disappoint!
And there's no bigger `libtard' than you!
...I think the me and the other libtards are going to
elect Bernie.
Now after I save this message, I'm going to delete yours. It's the easiest way
to deal you nincompoops :) I have a program I wrote years ago to streamline >this kind of thing... think I'll dig it up.
Perhaps... but I think the me and the other libtards are going to elect Ber
Now after I save this message, I'm going to delete yours. It's the easiestway
to deal you nincompoops :) I have a program I wrote years ago to streamline >> this kind of thing... think I'll dig it up.
FWIW it got out. Prolly bagged before you saw it.
On 29/02/2020 12:04 a.m., Janis Kracht wrote:
...I think the me and the other libtards are going to
elect Bernie.
Check out this book:
Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America's Progressive Elite -
Peter Schweizer
"In Profiles in Corruption, Schweizer offers a deep-dive investigation
into the private finances, and secrets deals of some of America� �s top political leaders."
I fondly remember you and a few others were whining about fascism and an imaginary dictatorship from Trump in 2016. Trump was going to destroy your economy, constitution and civil rights. World war 3, total anarchy, black men
back in chains, Hispanics tossed out by means of a giant wooden Acme catapolt.
Now you want to vote for a candidate who praises communist, socialist ideas and dictators, violent Antifa and a campaign ran by staffers openly calling for "re-education camps" for those pesky conservatives.
How appropriate is it that Fidogazette is ran by an editor who is giving everyone a taste of what will happen with that fascist fruit-loop in charge. Disagree with your beliefs and be censored, insulted, "kicked out".
Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America's Progressive Elite - Peter Schweizer
"In Profiles in Corruption, Schweizer offers a deep-dive investigation into the private finances, and secrets deals of some of America’s top political leaders."
"Learn about how they are making sweetheart deals, generating side
income, bending the law to their own benefits, using legislation to advance their own interests, and much more."
On 29 Feb 2020 &4, August Abolins said the following...
Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America's Progressive Elite - Peter Schweizer
"In Profiles in Corruption, Schweizer offers a deep-dive investigation
into the private finances, and secrets deals of some of AmericaG��s top political leaders."
"Learn about how they are making sweetheart deals, generating side
income, bending the law to their own benefits, using legislation to
advance their own interests, and much more."
It sounds like you just described the Trump administration. Don't forfet DP>the rampant nepotism.
"When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the
television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes
of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened.'" -Joe Biden,
apparently unaware that FDR wasn't president when the stock market
crashed in 1929 and that only experimental TV sets were in use at
that time.
~Interview with Katie Couric, Sept. 22, 2008
I am betting that Katie didn't question him on that, either. By that time
in 2008, Obama probably had it in the bag. If it had been earlier in the year, like before Hillary got eliminated, she would have questioned it for sure... but only during that brief time frame.
Mike Powell wrote to DAN CLOUGH <=-
"When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the
television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes
of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened.'" -Joe Biden,
apparently unaware that FDR wasn't president when the stock market
crashed in 1929 and that only experimental TV sets were in use at
that time.
~Interview with Katie Couric, Sept. 22, 2008
I am betting that Katie didn't question him on that, either. By
that time in 2008, Obama probably had it in the bag. If it had
been earlier in the year, like before Hillary got eliminated, she
would have questioned it for sure... but only during that brief
time frame.
Hi Nick,had > politically-charged or baiting remarks in it since November 2016 for no
By carefully studying several issues of the 'gazette to see that some have
reason other than to push an agenda.
Yes, and I am going to continue doing what I do because it is the right JK>thing to do.
Perhaps you should try it for a change rather than 'following' the lead of JK>a man who puts children in cages?
Janis Kracht wrote to Dan Clough <=-
Aren't you tired of seeing it everywhere too?
No, because I can sleep at night knowing that I do not support
this administration.
Well, that's nice. I sleep well at night too. Your answer
doesn't even remotely answer my question, though.
Here's an idea... if my politics are getting to you, go to
another echo.. wow, what an idea.
Sure, I could do that. We'll see.
Let me ask you one more question - I seem to recall you stating
that political topics/posts were not desired/allowed in this
echo... Is that true or not? Did you say that right here in
the echo a few months back?
The followup question to that
should be obvious...
... Ignorance can be cured. Stupid is forever.
Wrong, wrong, and wrong. Strike three.
One more comment from you on this and you are out of here.
You have been warned.
My echo, my rules.
Janis Kracht
Great! I've got some lists of `Trump' accomplishments I'm putting together, and will post them up in here forthwith!
TIM wrote:
Great! I've got some lists of `Trump' accomplishments I'm putting together, and will post them up in here forthwith!
Shouldn't take you more than a minute or two and one line of 80 characters NR>or less to complete.
Does most time on the golf course count as an "accomplishment" ?
Seen on a T-Shirt:
Clinton made me want to be faithful.
Bush made me want to be smarter.
Obama made me want to be better.
Trump made me want to be Canadian.
Biden makes me feel like I should donate money to an Alzheimer's
research organization.
[...] Despite Trump's many
idiosyncracies, they are afraid of what Biden might say or do that will
make him look even worse.
Janis Kracht wrote to Mike Powell <=-
[...] Despite Trump's many
idiosyncracies, they are afraid of what Biden might say or do that will
make him look even worse.
Cite some examples of Biden saying or doing things that come
close to the idiocy this jerk Trump has uttered... please.
Sure, here's one from just a day or so ago. What do you think?
Cite some examples of Biden saying or doing things that come close to the idio
this jerk Trump has uttered... please.
Just the latest example from Trump: yo-semite
Mike, use you brain...
Cite some examples of Biden saying or doing things that come close to theidio
this jerk Trump has uttered... please.
Like I said, be sure you are happy with his VP choice.
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