• update www.fidonet.org

    From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to All on Sun May 12 20:51:25 2019
    An item "Nodelist History Lookup" has been added.

    It is a link to Pavel Gulchouck's excellent "View history of fidonet node" procedure.


    --- D'Bridge 3.99 SR41
    * Origin: Home of the ORG (2:292/854)
  • From Charles Stephenson@1:226/17 to Ward Dossche on Tue May 14 07:59:27 2019
    Re: update www.fidonet.org
    By: Ward Dossche to All on Sun May 12 2019 08:51 pm

    An item "Nodelist History Lookup" has been added.

    It is a link to Pavel Gulchouck's excellent "View history of fidonet node" procedure.


    Looks interesting, I'll have to check that out, Thanks!
    --- SBBSecho 3.07-Linux
    * Origin: The New Frontier ][ BBS(frontierbbs.net) - [Ohio] (1:226/17)
  • From Yury Roschupkin@2:466/55 to All on Wed May 29 18:32:14 2019

    14 май 19 07:59, Charles Stephenson -> Ward Dossche

    Re: update www.fidonet.org
    By: Ward Dossche to All on Sun May 12 2019 08:51 pm
    An item "Nodelist History Lookup" has been added.
    It is a link to Pavel Gulchouck's excellent "View history of
    fidonet node" procedure.
    Looks interesting, I'll have to check that out, Thanks!

    Alternative links to services on the same engine:

    WBR, YuR
    --- -
    * Origin: Equilibrium (2:466/55)