• Ding-a-ling

    From Martin Foster@2:310/31.3 to All on Thu Mar 25 09:12:00 2021
    Greetings All!

    Testing OpenXP's "Autosend" feature.

    Autosend message configured on 24.03.21 and scheduled to be sent on 25.03.21

    Date on this message should be 25.03.21

    Tra-la-la :-))


    --- OpenXP 5.0.49
    * Origin: Bitz-Box - Bradford - UK (2:310/31.3)
  • From Wilfred van Velzen@2:280/464 to Martin Foster on Thu Mar 25 11:20:20 2021
    Hi Martin,

    On 2021-03-25 09:12:00, you wrote to All:

    @MSGID: 2:310/31.3@fidonet eec229b3
    @PID: OpenXP/5.0.49 (Win32) (i386)
    @CHRS: ASCII 1
    @TZUTC: 0000
    Greetings All!

    Testing OpenXP's "Autosend" feature.

    Autosend message configured on 24.03.21 and scheduled to be sent on 25.03.21

    Date on this message should be 25.03.21

    That is correct. But the time + TZUTC kludge is only correct if you are in timezone 0 (the UK for instance). Is that the case?

    Tra-la-la :-))


    --- OpenXP 5.0.49
    * Origin: Bitz-Box - Bradford - UK (2:310/31.3)
    SEEN-BY: 103/705 124/5016 154/10 203/0 221/0 229/101 240/5832 280/464 SEEN-BY: 280/5003 5555 288/100 292/854 8125 310/31 313/41 396/45 423/120 SEEN-BY: 460/58 712/848 770/1 2452/250
    @PATH: 310/31 280/464

    Bye, Wilfred.

    --- FMail-lnx64
    * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)
  • From Richard Menedetter@2:310/31 to Martin Foster on Thu Mar 25 12:38:56 2021
    Hi Martin!

    25th of March 9:12

    25 Mar 2021 09:12, from Martin Foster -> All:

    @MSGID: 2:310/31.3@fidonet eec229b3
    @PID: OpenXP/5.0.49 (Win32) (i386)
    @CHRS: ASCII 1
    @TZUTC: 0000
    Greetings All!

    Testing OpenXP's "Autosend" feature.

    Autosend message configured on 24.03.21 and scheduled to be sent on 25.03.21

    Date on this message should be 25.03.21

    Tra-la-la :-))


    SEEN-BY: 310/31

    CU, Ricsi

    ... Her kisses left something to be desired - the rest of her.
    --- GoldED+/LNX
    * Origin: Money is round, it rolls away. (2:310/31)
  • From Richard Menedetter@2:310/31 to Wilfred van Velzen on Thu Mar 25 12:40:12 2021
    Hi Wilfred!

    25 Mar 2021 11:20, from Wilfred van Velzen -> Martin Foster:

    That is correct. But the time + TZUTC kludge is only correct if you
    are in timezone 0 (the UK for instance). Is that the case?

    He is from Bradford, UK

    CU, Ricsi

    ... Some people grin and bear it ... others smile and change it.
    --- GoldED+/LNX
    * Origin: You can hold many degrees and still be an idiot! (2:310/31)
  • From Martin Foster@2:310/31.3 to Wilfred van Velzen on Thu Mar 25 11:51:00 2021
    Hello Wilfred!

    *** Thursday 25.03.21 at 11:20, Wilfred van Velzen wrote to Martin Foster:

    @MSGID: 2:310/31.3@fidonet eec229b3
    @PID: OpenXP/5.0.49 (Win32) (i386)
    @CHRS: ASCII 1
    @TZUTC: 0000
    Greetings All!

    Testing OpenXP's "Autosend" feature.

    Autosend message configured on 24.03.21 and scheduled to be sent on

    Date on this message should be 25.03.21

    That is correct. But the time + TZUTC kludge is only correct if you are in timezone 0 (the UK for instance). Is that the case?

    Yes, that's correct, I'm in the UK :)


    --- OpenXP 5.0.49
    * Origin: Bitz-Box - Bradford - UK (2:310/31.3)
  • From Wilfred van Velzen@2:280/464 to Martin Foster on Thu Mar 25 13:12:59 2021
    Hi Martin,

    On 2021-03-25 11:51:00, you wrote to me:

    That is correct. But the time + TZUTC kludge is only correct if you
    are in timezone 0 (the UK for instance). Is that the case?

    Yes, that's correct, I'm in the UK :)

    Ok, that's not always clear with points. But I see you are in the pointlist with this information, so I could have known! ;)

    Bye, Wilfred.

    --- FMail-lnx64
    * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)
  • From Vincent Coen@2:250/1 to Martin Foster on Thu Mar 25 14:16:56 2021
    Hello Martin!

    Thursday March 25 2021 09:12, you wrote to All:

    @MSGID: 2:310/31.3@fidonet eec229b3
    @PID: OpenXP/5.0.49 (Win32) (i386)
    @CHRS: ASCII 1
    @TZUTC: 0000
    Greetings All!

    Testing OpenXP's "Autosend" feature.

    Autosend message configured on 24.03.21 and scheduled to be sent on

    Date on this message should be 25.03.21

    Tra-la-la :-))


    SEEN-BY: 15/0 19/36 25/0 21 50/109 103/705 106/201 116/18 120/302 331 123/140
    SEEN-BY: 124/5016 153/757 7715 154/10 203/0 218/700 221/0 1 6 360
    SEEN-BY: 229/101 230/150 152 240/1120 5832 250/0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 32
    261/38 100
    SEEN-BY: 261/1466 263/0 266/512 267/155 275/100 280/464 5003 5555
    SEEN-BY: 282/1060 288/100 291/100 111 292/854 8125 310/31 313/41
    320/119 219
    SEEN-BY: 335/364 340/400 341/66 396/45 423/120 460/58 256 777 1124
    5858 463/68
    SEEN-BY: 467/888 640/1321 712/848 770/1 801/161 189 2320/105 2452/250 3634/12
    SEEN-BY: 4500/1 4600/140 5000/111 5001/100 5005/49 5019/40 5020/846
    1042 2047
    SEEN-BY: 5020/2140 4441 5054/8 30 5064/56 5080/102 5083/444
    @PATH: 310/31 280/464 460/58 221/6 5020/1042 261/38 250/1


    --- Mageia Linux v7.1 X64/Mbse v1.0.7.21/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)