You forgot "even if it accesses your bank and moves your entire balance off-shore 'somewhere'; this nly happens, t ops, TOPS, one a week, so
not to worry. . . you've paid your insurance rto tyhe sysop, right?
I got very little sleep last night, and had to go to the Emergency
Room at 5am this morning, with severe foot pain (I thought I had
fractured it), and severe rectal spasms (I thought my butt was on
It turns out I had an attack of gout (I already have arthritis all
through my body), and they gave me some medicine for the spasms. But,
I didn't want a renegade storm to come in while I was gone, so I had
shut the BBS down. When you tried to get in this morning, the system
was trying to run a message base utility, and that's why it said "you
have no time left".
I'm trying to get the system to busy itself out to run the nightly
doorgame maintenance, but it won't do it. So, I have to take the BBS
down manually. I did see an email from digital man (Rob Swindell), the
author of Synchronet, but I haven't gotten to it in the QWK packet yet.
The thing is, during maintenance, accessing an item (message bases,
file areas, or doors), can corrupt things big time.
TMI, my friend!
I take medicine usually for gout, as my latest kidney stone type arte
uric acid-based. (living too well, thus eating more meat); trying to
stick to exactly 4oz servings now (weighed out to 120g); seems to be helping. . .
I got that message at 2am, your time & again at 10am your time --
seemed an awful long time to say I'm getting too near 5am?
I'm used to a BBS not allowing users on within 1 hour of an event (mail
tossing, maintenance -- both usually done in the middle of the night).
Oh, I understand all that -- the timing just seemed odd -- I'd
understand if my time was reduced to no closer than an hour before the event, but to abruptly kick me out seemed harsh. . . ;)
Seems it would've been far cheaper to have a housecall doctor come see
you instead!
Talk to your insurance if you'd like to avoid hospital runs in the
future, for a convenient visit in your home. My company can generally send one for about $400USD in most major cities (Little Rock qualifies
I called up Weight Watchers, told them there was an emergency and asked for them to send someone round! Turns out theyÆve got tons of them!
Uh oh... Emergency: you brought me the wrong tool... This is not a drill... I repeat, this is not a drill!
For a taco emergency, dial Nine-Juan-Juan.
Pro Tip: If you have a gashed wound, it is cheaper to go to a comedy
club than the emergency room. You just pay the cover charge and
they'll have you in stitches.
"Fine then. Suture self."
I wear a stethoscope so that in a medical emergency... I can teach
people a valuable lesson about assumptions.
TMI, my friend!I'm sure I'm not the only person who deals with that on occasion.
I take medicine usually for gout, as my latest kidney stone type arteEver since I gave up carbonated beverages, I haven't had a single stone.
uric acid-based. (living too well, thus eating more meat); trying to
stick to exactly 4oz servings now (weighed out to 120g); seems to be
helping. . .
I got that message at 2am, your time & again at 10am your time --There was a system glitch with the time...and there's another one where
seemed an awful long time to say I'm getting too near 5am?
the system won't busy itself out for nightly maintenance at 12 midnight,
so the doors can be processed. So, I have to manually down the nodes, until maintenance is done.
Seems it would've been far cheaper to have a housecall doctor come seeVery few physicians, nurses, do house calls anymore.
you instead!
I called up Weight Watchers, told them there was an emergency and askedA balanced diet -- balanced in the belly and in the buttocks. <G>
for them to send someone round! Turns out they+ve got tons of them!
Uh oh... Emergency: you brought me the wrong tool... This is not aThose are the 5 most feared words of an emergency communications
drill... I repeat, this is not a drill!
operator. That was also what was sent right after the Japanese bombed
Pearl Harbor just over 80 years ago.
Pro Tip: If you have a gashed wound, it is cheaper to go to a comedyThe comedy can bleed you dry...because you peed on yourself.
club than the emergency room. You just pay the cover charge and
they'll have you in stitches.
I wear a stethoscope so that in a medical emergency... I can teachNever assume...besides, "OOPS!!" is NOT a valid response.
people a valuable lesson about assumptions.
I cut them out long ago! I only dranbk then wheb I was doing 12-hour
shift work, as one rapidly drunk Coke did more to wake me up than the speed with which I could ingest caffeine via coffee.
"Feces occurs" is a maxim in every field.
I've found a housecall doctor or two in every city with an
intewrnational airport in the USA. I believe LR has such?
The 3 Bs of Feminine Beauty: Boobs, Belly, & Butt (or is that 4?)
not a drill is bad, to, when you asked for a fleeping HAMMER!
I do try to avoid that one. I've slowly built up new muscles tyo
control my uyrethras farther up (as I often get a sharp jagged stone shard lodged at the main point of squeezing off the flow, & when I squeeze, AIIIII,. pain like nothing else! & the urethra automatically spasms wide open! So I've had to find & exercise muscles further up
the pipe, to control flow in such a situation.
It might well be a COMMON response,but you're never allowed to be awake during surgeries to witness it!
Police are looking for a man selling marijuana to birds. Eyewitnesses report he left no tern unstoned.
Nothing spoils a good story
like the arrival of an eyewitness.
Neighbours testified they heard 3 gunshots Well, yeah, one for the
murder, & 2 more to clear out the obvious eyewitnesses.
I cut them out long ago! I only drank them when I was doing 12-hourSince I cut out the soda and the caffeine, I haven't had kidney stones,
shift work, as one rapidly drunk Coke did more to wake me up than the
speed with which I could ingest caffeine via coffee.
and my heart rate has stabilized. Those "energy drinks" are worse than caffeine.
"Feces occurs" is a maxim in every field.I said that to a co-worker one day years ago...and she looked at me with
the deer in the headlights look. When I translated it, she roared with laughter, and said "I'm going to tell my sister!!". The next morning, she came in, and I asked her if she had told her sister. Grinning wildly, she said "yes", and when I asked "same reaction?", she said "yes". <G>
I've found a housecall doctor or two in every city with anNot that I know. I did have a nurse from my HMO come by for a physical
intewrnational airport in the USA. I believe LR has such?
exam and interview this past September.
The 3 Bs of Feminine Beauty: Boobs, Belly, & Butt (or is that 4?)Beauty is skin deep, but ugly goes clear to the bone. <G>
Incontinence on both sides is a bear. Ever since I quit drinking soda
or carbonated beverages, I haven't had a single stone.
Or the guy who wakes up in the morgue, and wonders "If I'm alive, what am
I doing here?? And, if I'm dead, how come I have to go to the bathroom??".
Police are looking for a man selling marijuana to birds. EyewitnessesNice spoonerism pun.
report he left no tern unstoned.
... Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance??
Yup; I don't drink any of that {congress} any more! I never got into energy drinks, as I'm intolerant to the artificial hormone they often include.
Sheltered upbringing? It's such an eleganbt way to convey the
sentiment, I figure.
If you have anextraordinary difficulty in coming in to the office,
most primary care physicians will drop by to see their own patients,
if cajoled well. My company has hundreds of doctors available in our network all over the world, who exclusively do housecalls for us, when
we dispatch them.
One of our guys even spent a full 16-hour day with our client, to
ensure he got the proper exams to clear him to fly home (to Europe)
that night. We paid him a big chunk more than the $400 he charges us
for a housecall I think we, on our own offer, gave him triple that.
Some of those bone-ugly womemn can fake an outweard beauty that gets
your attention briefly, but wears off in minutes, after she begins to speak.
Thus the proverb: Marry in haste -- repent in leisure
Incontinence on both sides is a bear. Ever since I quit drinking soda
or carbonated beverages, I haven't had a single stone.
I quiot, but I still get near constant attacks of kidney stones.
Haven't gone to the hospital for one in a long time, though.
When I get one bigger than the requisite 8mm, I set up the surgery for
it, & go in just for that -- no more 3am ambulance trips for something
so prosaic as "yet another" kidney stone.
That would be annoying. Maybe he's a vampire. One series of novels
I've read began with the heroine (Betsy) waking up in the morgue, &
being PO'ed because she realized she was dead & that her M-i-L had
stolen her expensive shoes, & left her wearing K-Mart specials instead!
A favorite category of mine,. if they're new & funny.
Boss, over intercom to lazing secretary: Can I see you in my office
She: No; you've got no windows in your office.
According to a recent study, it's really hard for women to work for the Postal Service. It's a mail dominated industry.
Carpentry is hard work
That's why I get hammered after work
My wife had a hard day at work, so I drew her a warm bath... She didn't really seem to appreciate the sketch but it went on the fridge
Making mayonnaise is hard work.
Some would even call it egg-sauce-ting
Trimming hedges is hard work.
You must take it sheariously.
Would a job at a Viagra factory be considered hard work?
That reminds me of the joke where the doctor was giving this woman testosterone shots (even males have some estrogen hormones). Well, she
told her doctor that they had a rather nasty side effect. He asked what
they were, and she said "It put hair on my chest". Then, he asked "How
far down does it go??", and she replied "All the way to my testicles". <G>
That's like saying "the fecal excrement came in contact with the rotary displacement unit". <G>
health can be almost impossible to get a ride. Because of the insurance and liability issues, you can not take public transporation
(bus, taxi, etc.) to and from the clinic.
Thus the proverb: Marry in haste -- repent in leisureThe Apostle Paul also said "It is better to marry, then to burn with passion".
I saw a meme today that noted "I've absorbed so much hand sanitizer, that whenever I pee, I clean the toilet". <G>
Carpentry is hard work
That's why I get hammered after work
I'm too old to cut the mustard, but I can still stir the mayonnaise, and
lick the jar. So, pass the BLT, onion ring, and Doctor Pepper...and no one gets hurt. <G>
... "Either this man is dead, or my watch is stopped." -Groucho
Yikes! I doubt that was a happy easily-ignored side effect!
But then, with women these days goin to the gym daily, working out,. building muscles -- running around looking like little men, maybe nmot entirely undesired. . .
Thing is, an open marketplace leaves no room for sexism. Business
owners only want max money for minimum outlay.
If you can do the requested job at the offered pay, then they certainly won't care whether you were born an 'innie' or 'outie' (girl or boy)
Yup, but you can take those modes if you have an adult with you, at
least here that's the case.
We have here a disabled transportation srvice that'll send a van to
pick you up,. & the attendant (usually my daughter) rides for free & I pay $2.50 one way. So I'll bus there (free with annual $45 pass), &
take the HandyDart back, to keep expenditures lower.
If you only marry for that reason, I can tell you right now how
successful that marriage will be; never seen it work out yet.
The different types of love referred to as jusat "love" in the Bible
are those 3.
Carpenter's dream:
1: flat as a board & never been nailed. 2: flat as a board & ready to
be nailed.
I'm too old to cut the mustard, but I can still stir the mayonnaise, and lick the jar. So, pass the BLT, onion ring, and Doctor Pepper...and no one gets hurt. <G>
You'd like A&W, I 'spect -- no Dr. Pepper, though,. as A&W is allied
with the Coca Cola cartel, not the Pepsi Corp one.
More Groucho:
(pre-arranged for easy importing to a tagline file)
Be open minded, but not so open minded that your brains fall out. I
refuse to join any club that would have me as a member. If you find it hard to laugh at yourself, I'd be happy to do it for you. Those are my principles, and if you don't like them; well, I have others. I'm not a vegetarian, but I eat animals who are. If you are not having fun you
are doing something wrong. I intend to live forever, or die trying.
Longevity, not through diet & exercise, but by simply not dying!
Then, you have all these trans-gender athletes...which make it unfair in
many respects. In some sports, they don't care if you "identify" as a woman; if biologically, you're a male, you can NOT compete in a female sport.
You can't have broke yours off!! <G>Ok, we took off our clothes, you stood on top of me -- when does it star to feel good?
The only "Medicaid" I have is to pay the monthly Medicare premium.
Otherwise, I have no supplemental insurance.
Especially for those who say they're marrying so they can legally have
sexual intercourse. That is a fringe benefit to marriage...not the be all
and end all of it.
Or like the bricks that proclaimed "We're getting laid today". <G>
I've just been drinking lemonade or lemon Koolaid...I've stopped drinking carbonated beverages.
The blooper noted the passing of Pastor Smith as "it was truly a
turning point in his life". <G>
As it should be in all -- if you've had the advantage of testosterone bulking you up for years, especially in your post-puberscent era, it
is NOT fair to allow you to run against thosde who've been
estrogen-based their entire lives.
There was a guy here, who claimed to be a woman (with zero objective evidende of such) who was suing "personal grooming for women" salons
for not giving him the vaginal waxing they advertised.
He was also hanging around in family change rooms, goofing on undressed little girls.
A "claiming-to-be-woman" has his claim & "studies" that conveniently overlook the possibility that people LIE.
Objective vs Subjective.
Ok, we took off our clothes, you stood on top of me -- when does it
star to feel good?
Look for a volunterrs organisation in your area, especially seniors' organisations -- ask for a volunteer medical driver; we have that in
every community now.
Amen! It's definitely a plenty fine benefit, but so is the love & companionship & coming home to cooked food!
Q: Why'd the chicken cross the road? A: He heard there was a man
laying bricks & just HAD to see that for himself.
I've just been drinking lemonade or lemon Koolaid...I've stopped drinking carbonated beverages.
Hey, YOU brought up Dr. Pepper! ;)
The blooper noted the passing of Pastor Smith as "it was truly a
turning point in his life". <G>
When you view life as eternal, then this wasn't necessarily a blooper.
Sysop: | Rempala |
Location: | Richlands, NC |
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Messages: | 110,873 |