Welcome to English where only the poorest of words have a single definition.
I love this language! (only 'cause I know it so well!)
Welcome to English where only the poorest of words have a single definition.
I love this language! (only 'cause I know it so well!)
Here's a deal I learned in 5th grade over 50 years ago...it's called
"The Nine Parts Of Speech". I'll bet most kids nowdays have no clue on these. I capitalized the term, and the examples.
Three little words you often see, are ARTICLES -- A, AN, and THE
(pronounced "thee" for this poem).
A NOUN is the name of anything -- a HOUSE or GARDEN, HOOP or SWING.
Instead of nouns, the PRONOUNS stand...MY head, YOUR arm, HER foot, HIS hand.
ADJECTIVES tell what kind of noun...GREAT, SMALL, PRETTY, WHITE, or BROWN.
VERBS tell of something to be done...WALK, HOP, SKIP, JUMP, or RUN.
How things are done, the ADVERBS tell...SLOWLY, QUICKLY, ILL, or WELL.
A PREPOSITION stands before a noun, as IN or THROUGH the door.
CONJUNCTIONS, also called CONNECTIVES, join words together...men AND
wind AND weather.
INTERJECTIONS show surprise. OH!! How Pretty!! AH!! How Wise!!
These are the nine parts of speech...which people write, and speak, and teach.
You may bring the apple to me, and I'll give it to you, as I'm a softie. :)
I newver hasd a poem; I just had to memorize them. I've added another:
The Gratuitive Intensive (e.g Very, D*mn, F*cking)
Slang,I figured out is just laziness -- it's often a word so loosely defined, it can fill in multiple parts of speech, or substitute for the words we cannot think of quickly enough.
If my son refers to his rectal oruiuice by the usual 7-letter a-word, that's fine, if he refers to another human being as such, we're going
to have words; the last 4 being, "Go to your room."; unlike today's spoiled generations, his tech is all in the living room, not up in his room. . .
Any teachwer wants to castigate him for using "bad words" will be
tsalkin to me, yto juustify their lack of education. If the teacher
then starts off by saying he used the word to disrupt -- that's
weaponized behaviour & I'll deal with him at home.
If he can't understand that speech around his parents & around his male schoolmates, in the schoolyard, isn't different, he'll learn, trust me!
Yes, I differentiate how to behave around one's fellow males, in
private, & around those of the distaff set. The day you have to
consider the possibility of conceiving, carrying, & bearing children, potentially even against your will, I'll give you special
consideration, too, & I expect him to live thusly, too.
It's the same [official] reason I graciously indicate to a lady she
should precede me. . .
There's more than one reason to appreciate women, & both are valid as forms of respect, when done resapectfully.
"First the flowers, then the chocolates and then the dress!" she exclaimed. "I've never had a more wonderful Groundhog Day in my life!"
After being away on business, Tim thought it would be nice to bring his wife a little gift.
"How about some perfume?" he asked the cosmetics clerk.
"What I mean," said Tim, "is I'd like to see something really cheap."
The clerk handed him a mirror.
Somewhere in the city there was a small apartment building. there were four floors and 1 person lived on each floor.
A while later she heard 3 knocks at the door. She knew it was the blind man, so she didn't put on her robe and she answered the door. He said "guess what! guess what! I just got might sight back!
There is no War of the Sexes -- there's too much fraternization with
the 'enemy.'
Or those who don't like leaving tips at restaurants. Now, if a serverdoes
a good job, I'm happy to tip them appropriately. But, I do NOT like itwhere
they charge the 20% tip fee BEFORE you get the meal.
Or have the parents change the password on the home wi-fi. <G>
I remember when you got spanked at school, you ended up getting a
second whipping at home...and you couldn't figure out how they found
Nowadays, they have no respect for their elders. On my ham radio nets, I'll address them as "Mister John, Mister Roy, Miss Lois, Miss Virginia", etc. When asked why, I reply "RESPECT. If I give it, they'll return it".:)
life!"Yes, I differentiate how to behave around one's fellow males, in private, & around those of the distaff set. The day you have to consider the possibility of conceiving, carrying, & bearing children, potentially even against your will, I'll give you special consideration, too, & I expect him to live thusly, too.
I am of the OLD SCHOOL. Children should be seen and not heard...and not speak unless spoken to. Then, it's "Yes, Ma'am...No, Ma'am...Yes, Sir...
and No, Sir". I have far more respect for the kids and their parents when the kids are well behaved.
It's the same [official] reason I graciously indicate to a lady she should precede me. . .
My late wife taught me "what's good for me". <G>. I grew up with a brother...I didn't know it took women "forever and a day" to get ready.
The song by Brad Paisley, "Little Moments" really hits the nail on the head...and in the video, Andy Griffith is in there. :)
There's more than one reason to appreciate women, & both are valid as forms of respect, when done resapectfully.
So many men think the woman is "a sex toy". To me, they were created as
a companion (a help meet). Ironically, before I was single, I couldn't understand all the fuss about being married. Now, being a widower going
on 15 years (with loneliness real bad some days), I see the other side
of the coin.
"First the flowers, then the chocolates and then the dress!" she exclaimed. "I've never had a more wonderful Groundhog Day in my
Oh, boy!! As an aside, I thought the female in that movie wasn't bad looking <wink!>. <G>his
After being away on business, Tim thought it would be nice to bring
werewife a little gift.
"How about some perfume?" he asked the cosmetics clerk.
"What I mean," said Tim, "is I'd like to see something really cheap."
The clerk handed him a mirror.
Whoa!! <LOL!>
That's like the one where the woman goes into Macy's, and is looking
at a piece of fine (and expensive) jewelery. As she bends over to get
a better look, she farts (and it wasn't an SBD one, either). She was
hoping no one witnessed her poot, but was horrified to see a young man standing there, asking if he could help her find something. She asked
how much this certain piece of jewelery was, and was told "Madam...if
you farted just looking at it, you're going to $h!+ when I tell you
the price!!". I guess I'm shopping at Dollar General!! <BG>
Somewhere in the city there was a small apartment building. there
blindfour floors and 1 person lived on each floor.
Never mind the old song "Knock 3 times on the ceiling if you want me".
A while later she heard 3 knocks at the door. She knew it was the
man, so she didn't put on her robe and she answered the door. He said "guess what! guess what! I just got might sight back!
I'll bet he got an eyeful!!
There is no War of the Sexes -- there's too much fraternization with the 'enemy.'
... Get your free subscription before the price doubles!!
=== MultiMail/Win v0.52
--- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
* Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:19/33)
I'm with you -- that's just plain disonesty - the owners can put lower prices on t he menu, making you think "Oh, not a bad price" when it's actually 20% higher. I'm not responsible for your being a bad employer who doesn't pay his employees a fair wage.
I like the pic of "modern gruonding" with a padlock attached to the
prong on the charger cable.
Things were different amongst the earlier generations -- more respect, fewer scofflaws. . .
Those kids likely never stole anything ever again, because society & parents worked together to teach appropriate living behaviour.
I had my rebellious teen years, but I knew the realities.
So I try for following the appropriate degree of respect per context.
English puns make me feel numb
But math puns make me feel number
Why is the English weather like a Muslim (not bigoted)
Because its either Sunni or shi'ite
I’m only familiar with 25 letters in the English language
I don’t know why.
Some people say that "icy" is the easiest word in the English language
to spell.
When I think about it, I see why.
Q: What do you call a software engineer who was an English teacher?
A: A pro-grammar
English for foreigners... When do S and C sound the same?
When it's necessary.
Q: What do you call an English fisherman?
A: Angler Saxon
Q: What is an English Teacher’s favourite drink?
A: Tequila mockingbird
There was a Burger King restaurant in Nebraska, where apparently the franchisee has horrible working conditions and benefits for the employees. It can get HOT in those kitchens, and combined with a long shift, it can take its toll in several ways. Well, the employees put out on the sign out front:
It was up for a few hours, before it got taken down...but not before it went viral. Apparently, the place is still understaffed.
That's for sure. Nowadays, the kids treat their parents like crap.
There isn't much of that anymore. The thugs have weapons, and aren't afraid to hurt or kill anyone who gets in their way. Many Target and Walgreens stores in California have closed early, or shut down entirely,
for all the shoplifting.
English for foreigners... When do S and C sound the same?
When it's necessary.
I find it interesting how spellings of various words differ between the US, and places like Canada, the UK, and Austrailia.
Q: What is an English Teacher’s favourite drink?
A: Tequila mockingbird
There was a BBS by that name, but I think it shut down.
We don't have to work as slaves -- that got abolished a long time ago.
Yup; was on the skytrain (commuter train here in Metro Vancouver) and a mom was holding her infant over her shoulder, patting hyim, going,
"shhh, shhh," when the little one said, clear as day, "f*** you,
Yup, get the kids young & teach them correctly, using corporal means,
if necessary.
A Metric Dozen<TM> of TAGLINES:
Federal Law prohibits the removal of this tagline
Procrastination Day Has Been Postponed!
Taglines: the toilet-stall walls of BBSdom.
Talk is cheap -- supply exceeds demand!
Lye, Cheetham, and Steele: Attorneys at Law
Mason-Dixon Line n. Separates y'all from youse guys
PRESS To test. <click> RELEASE to detonate.
Sir! Romulan Warbird decloakingň2šO˙:ţ*bś— NO CARRIER
Strip mining prevents forest fires.
A penny saved is a Congressional oversight.
It's as bad as at the stores now, where they want you to go through
the self checkout. Sorry, I don't work there. If you want me to go
through self checkout, you'll give me a discount.
aYup; was on the skytrain (commuter train here in Metro Vancouver) and
mom was holding her infant over her shoulder, patting hyim, going, "shhh, shhh," when the little one said, clear as day, "f*** you, mommy."
spankingsYup, get the kids young & teach them correctly, using corporal means, if necessary.
Nowadays, they consider that abuse. I got more than my share of
growing up, and I consider myself better for it.
... Get your free subscription before the price doubles!!
They claim the overall prices are lower, but we know the savings goes
100% to corporate profits & $0.0000000001% to lower prices.
I prefer to have a human there to ask last-minute questions of, & to
claim my free stuff without delays (here there's a polixcy that if any item rings up even 1c higher than ANY printed/posted price, you get it free, up to $10 -- I claim $20-$50/year or more. . .
"shhh, shhh," when the little one said, clear as day, "f*** you, mommy."
My reaction, too!
But I could never say I didn't know the diffwerence between right &
wrong, though! Still can't (& don't); I was blessed to have a father
who truly loved me & honoured God & the job God gave him of being a father.
The trick stores do now is give you a nice sale (30% off, no limits)
then when the sale price ends, the price is double the original! :(
On Jeff Dunham: I heard one of his newer shows the other day & I see
what you mean -- it was jarring the gratuitous F-bombs. I'm okay with
one or two done in the right timing to add to the humour, not disract
one. . .
I haven't kept up my subscription to the Scrabble club....
Now they have started sending me threatening letters.
I'm very disappointed with my Amazon Prime subscription!
it will only let me watch episodes 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 and 13
A year ago, I got a subscription to a magazine for mentally ill people. Now I have many issues.
My Dad to a telemarketer selling magazine subscriptions...
No thanks, we're all illiterate. (I'm going to use this one!)
Someone approached me and asked me to help save the Amazon
So I signed up for a Prime subscription and restocked my bookcase.
My newspaper subscription is a joke.
I don't get it.
They claim the overall prices are lower, but we know the savings goes 100% to corporate profits & $0.0000000001% to lower prices.
Exactly. And none to their employees.
One time in college, my books came to $77.77 (this was over 40 yearsago).
The cashier said "Looks like you hit the jackpot!!". I said "Does thatmean
I get my books free??". When she said "No", I growled "Damn!!" <G>.
"shhh, shhh," when the little one said, clear as day, "f*** you, mommy."
My reaction, too!
I would've beat that kid within an inch of his life.
But I could never say I didn't know the diffwerence between right & wrong, though! Still can't (& don't); I was blessed to have a father who truly loved me & honoured God & the job God gave him of being a father.
When a son follows in his father's footsteps, that's the ultimate compliment.
The trick stores do now is give you a nice sale (30% off, no limits) then when the sale price ends, the price is double the original! :(
That's the new math. :P
It's like rap music...every other word is profanity.
There are memes why Snow White and Santa won't play Scrabble with the
7 dwarfs or the eleves, respectively...because of the tiles they got. :P
people.A year ago, I got a subscription to a magazine for mentally ill
Now I have many issues.
I see that in your posts. <g,d,r>
My newspaper subscription is a joke.
I don't get it.
That's why most have gone to online only.
My formula for business success is:
1. customer first (cuz you want/need their money)
2. then employees (cuz thety help #1 leave cash behind)
3. bottom line will take care of itself when you have 1 & 2.
$77.77 might get you ONE used textbook today!
I would've beat that kid within an inch of his life.
You'd beat a 2yo for being the way God made him (to repeat/copy what he hears & sees, while learning?)
Most likely the dad needed the beating.
The old new ath involved letters like X & N, now the new new
[corporate] math includes letters like F & U. . .
Pretty much & just as annoying & boring. . . I'm not offended, just
weary & bored, & having to use up time to go find his older shows & rewatch them instead, because they were pure genius!
I've only seen one played by Santa & Rudolph, with Rudolph's tile rack spelling FAT {child of unwed parents} & Santa's reading VENISON STEW
Now I have many issues.
I see that in your posts. <g,d,r>
Then my [volunteer] job is being done well. :D
I only subscribed when they guaranteed me 100% money back if I'm unsatisfied -- I giver it a fair go for a couple weeks, bt thenm my
6th paper doesn't show up & it takes hours to get a replacement, then I just call them up to cancel & get my money back!
One guy's 10 game plays for telemarketers calling him:
First, my apologies for the delay in replying. I had to be ambulatory
to an area hospital on Thursday. It turns out that I have atrial flutter,
a form of atrial fibrillation...which can lead to a fatal stroke or heart attack, if not caught in time. They have me on a blood thinner, and a medication to stabilize the heart rate and blood pressure.
My formula for business success is:
1. customer first (cuz you want/need their money)
2. then employees (cuz thety help #1 leave cash behind)
3. bottom line will take care of itself when you have 1 & 2.
When I was working in silkscreen printing, one customer said "The
Customer Is Always Right"...and I replied "The Jury is still out on
that". There have been some "strange ones" that come in. Even though
there is a menu or display board, showing what the business offers,
and the prices, people still ask for something we obviously don't do
or have.
$77.77 might get you ONE used textbook today!
And soon, that'll be for one tank of gasoline for your vehicle. :P
I wish more parents would take heed to the song that country-western
star Rodney Atkins did, "Watching You".
Folks like George Burns, Bob Hope, Red Skelton, Groucho Marx, and many more, proved you don't have to be dirty to be funny.
You have to. I have an online digital subscription to The Miami Herald (Florida), as I follow their sports coverage with my late father's alma mater, the University Of Miami.
... Newspaper Headline: "Local Couple Slain; Police Suspect Homicide."
!They had coroner-virus.
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