They walked in tandem, each of the ninety-three students filing into the already crowded auditorium.almost
With rich maroon gowns flowing and the traditional caps, they looked
as grown up as they felt.tears.
Dads swallowed hard behind broad smiles, and moms freely brushed away
This class would not pray during the commencements ----- not by choice,but
because of a recent court ruling prohibiting it.speech
The principal and several students were careful to stay within the guidelines allowed by the ruling.
They gave inspirational and challenging speeches, but no one mentioned divine guidance and no one asked for blessings on the graduates or their families.
The speeches were nice, but they were routine... ....until the final
received a standing ovation.
A solitary student walked proudly to the microphone.
He stood still and silent for just a moment, and then, it happened.
All 92 students, every single one of them, suddenly SNEEZED!!!!
The student on stage simply looked at the audience and said,
"GOD BLESS YOU, each and every one of you!"
And he walked off stage...
The audience exploded into applause.
The graduating class had found a unique way to invoke God's blessing
on their future, with or without the court's approval!
Isn't this a wonderful story? Pass it on to all your friends...and GOD
May God bless you, too, today & always. .
Not to worry, the anti-prayer-in-school laws will always fail so long
as there are exams.
Not to worry, the anti-prayer-in-school laws will always fail so long as there are exams.
A fellow classmate's philosophy years ago was "Well, here comes another F". <G>
Or, how about this one:
Supervisor: "There will be a random drug test today."
Employee: "Crap!! I didn't study for it."
I guess "Piss on that one" would be a valid response. :P
... How long should we practice sex before it's safe??
For me, it was A after A until I got a teacher who didn't like me, then
I got a B, & my dad grounded me for 4 months. . . (was going to be for
the year, but my mom intervened & granted amnesty)
I guess "Piss on that one" would be a valid response. :P
That's "trickle down economics" in a nutshell:
You ask the 1% to increase wages by 5% so we can live slightly better,
& they reply, "Piss on yas!"
... How long should we practice sex before it's safe??
Practice makes perfect, but nobody's perfect, so I see that as proof positive I should just keep going. . . you want to help me convince my wife of this logic?
Or my girlfriend (J/King--I can't afford a wife, kids, AND a
better,You ask the 1% to increase wages by 5% so we can live slightly
& they reply, "Piss on yas!"
They lament they can't survive on $250,000+ a year...they don't have a clue.
my... How long should we practice sex before it's safe??
Practice makes perfect, but nobody's perfect, so I see that as proof positive I should just keep going. . . you want to help me convince
wife of this logic?
I think we should put this thread to bed. <G>
Or my girlfriend (J/King--I can't afford a wife, kids, AND a girlfriend!)
Or like the little kid noting the king lived with several porcupines
(he couldn't think of the word concubines) <G>.
They don't mean in an absolute sense (lkiuve or die) but relaticve to
heir deired standard of living. I say if you didn't put ourself so
high to start with, you'd hsave had less distance to fall!
Like JC said: If you have a roof over your head, a place to lay your
head, & a bowl of food, you have enough. [seeking] anything more than that is from the evil one. (i.e. Love of money)
Naturally, I seek to have a bit more comfort than literal enough, but I don't NEEED it & I get that. I'd rather help someone worse off be more comfortable first before I go up another level.
I don't want a blinking ruler in the capital -- I want a
Practice makes perfect, but nobody's perfect, so I see that as proof positive I should just keep going. . . you want to help me convincemy
wife of this logic?
I think we should put this thread to bed. <G>
You were ill -- I hope you did go to bed!
I love those lists of little kid answers to simple questions that circulate occasionally. . .
The Children were asked questions about the Old and
New Testaments. The following statements about the Bible
were written by the children. They have not been corrected
thus ( the incorrect spelling is their own ). I hope you enjoy
what the children wrote.....
1. In the first book of the bible, Guinessis, God got tired of
creating the world, so he took the Sabbath off.
2. Adam and Eve were created from an apple tree.
Noah's wife was called Joan of Ark. Noah built an ark which
the animals come on to in pears.
3. Lot's wife was a pillar of salt by day, but a ball of fire by
4. The Jews were a proud people and throughout history they
had trouble with the unsympathetic Genitals.
5. Samson was a strongman who let himself be led astray by
a Jezebel like Delilah.
6. Samson slayed the Philistines with the axe of the
7. Moses led the Hebrews to the Red Sea, where they made
unleavened bread, which is bread without any ingredients.
8. The Egyptians were all drowned in the dessert.
Afterwards, Moses went up on Mount Cyanide to get the ten
9. The first commandment was when Eve told Adam to eat
the apple.
10. The seventh commandment is thou shalt not admit
adultery. [I suspect the pastor called that kid's dad in for a talk]
They don't mean in an absolute sense (lkiuve or die) but relaticve to heir deired standard of living. I say if you didn't put ourself so high to start with, you'd hsave had less distance to fall!
As the tagline from the late Nancy Backus (I miss her) noted:
"We are born naked, wet, and hungry. Then, it gets worse". <G>
Everyone came into this world as naked and broke as I did, and is going out the same day. I've yet to see a girl come out in a white satin dress, and a box come out in a nice tuxedo. Or as the doctor told the mother in labor "it's going to hurt a lot more coming out, than it did going in".
The one I liked was where the husband brought his wife, in labor, to the local ER...and as they were taking her to Labor and Delivery, the OB-GYN said he wanted to try a new deal, where they transferred all the pain from the mother to the father. Mom was excited about that, and Dad had a high pain, they agreed.
The doctor started it slow, and basically got it to the max. Neither Mom or Dad had any pain, and she delivered a healthy baby.
When they got home, the milkman was found dead on the porch. <G>
thanLike JC said: If you have a roof over your head, a place to lay your head, & a bowl of food, you have enough. [seeking] anything more
too.that is from the evil one. (i.e. Love of money)
That's all I want...but having finances to pay the basic bills helps,
INaturally, I seek to have a bit more comfort than literal enough, but
moredon't NEEED it & I get that. I'd rather help someone worse off be
comfortable first before I go up another level.
If I could know the hearts and motives of these homeless folks, I'd be more inclined to help them. But, with limited finances myself, I can't. Plus, you don't know if they've got a weapon to kill you and steal all
you have.
I don't want a blinking ruler in the capital -- I want a servant-leader!
They are to serve us...not the other way around.
I think we should put this thread to bed. <G>
You were ill -- I hope you did go to bed!
I did after I got home from the first COVID-19 shot...but eating a big lunch beforehand likely made me sleepy.
2. Adam and Eve were created from an apple tree.
Noah's wife was called Joan of Ark. Noah built an ark which
the animals come on to in pears.
Really. Or as Bill Cosby's "Noah And The Ark" routine noted,
"He had to keep telling the rabbits...ONLY TWO!!". <G> I did
that routine for my final exam in 10th grade drama
a perfect score. :)
4. The Jews were a proud people and throughout history they
had trouble with the unsympathetic Genitals.
Especially when you had to take a shovel everywhere. <G>
5. Samson was a strongman who let himself be led astray by
a Jezebel like Delilah.
It was a hair raising (removing) experience.
7. Moses led the Hebrews to the Red Sea, where they made
unleavened bread, which is bread without any ingredients.
Well, they must've thought the same about Manna, which
translated as "What Is It??".
9. The first commandment was when Eve told Adam to eat
the apple.
I thought it was when they first saw each other naked...and he told
her "Stand back, honey. I don't know how big this is going to get". <G>
10. The seventh commandment is thou shalt not admit
adultery. [I suspect the pastor called that kid's dad in for a talk]
Do infants enjoy infancy, as much as adults enjoy adultery?? :P
I was considering being 'Born Again' but my mom said no.
When they got home, the milkman was found dead on the porch. <G>
Classic! How long's it been since we had milkmen?
I'd say that falls under "enough"; but you got to trust you'll have
that "enough," too, right?
My belief is we are to judge favorably and that we are commanded to
help, not to judge.
If I can help, I do. If I can't I say so (I'll stop and talk, even if
I'm broke, because we all need human interaction & acknowledgement of
our shared humanity.
I'm a Jew, so t he principle is different; in Hebrew the word is
"justice" not "charity"; we help to even things more fairly, not just because it feels good.
Rst is always healthy, I say, especially if you're feeing the need.
Really. Or as Bill Cosby's "Noah And The Ark" routine noted,
"He had to keep telling the rabbits...ONLY TWO!!". <G> I did
that routine for my final exam in 10th grade drama
a perfect score. :)
I love that routine, beginning with, "whoosha, whoosha"(saw), God's greeting, & Noah saying, "Yes, Lord? I've been good!"
Especially when you had to take a shovel everywhere. <G>
What shovel? Huh?
It's a good song, though; catchy.
I thought it was when they first saw each other naked...and he told
her "Stand back, honey. I don't know how big this is going to get". <G>
Eve was the first carpenter; she made Adam's banana stand.
Do infants enjoy infancy, as much as adults enjoy adultery?? :P
Rumour has it. . .
I was considering being 'Born Again' but my mom said no.
There is only one good conntation of that. :)
When they got home, the milkman was found dead on the porch. <G>
Classic! How long's it been since we had milkmen?
It shows how old we are...part of the decrepit old farts society. <G>
I'd say that falls under "enough"; but you got to trust you'll have that "enough," too, right?
True...but when you're being hassled by the collectors, and you haven't over-splurged, as it's very stressful. Even if you try to set up
a payment plan, they want it all. Yet, they won't put themselves in your shoes.
My belief is we are to judge favorably and that we are commanded to help, not to judge.
The problem is, I'm not rolling in dough. Besides, if I needed help, there's no guarantee they'd return the favor. Most of them spend the
money on drugs or alcohol anyway.
If I can help, I do. If I can't I say so (I'll stop and talk, even if I'm broke, because we all need human interaction & acknowledgement of our shared humanity.
I've heard far too many stories of these "homeless folks" (read that "panhandlers") who say "I make far more money doing this than a regular
job, and I don't have to pay any taxes".
I'm a Jew, so t he principle is different; in Hebrew the word is "justice" not "charity"; we help to even things more fairly, not just because it feels good.
For those I know personally, if I can help them, as I know their character.
goingRest is always healthy, I say, especially if you're feeing the need.
I've learned if I tried to work on the computer when I'm tired, I'm
to muck things up. Case in point...I was tired, thought I was in atemporary
directory, and answered Y to DEL *.* -- over 500 ascii, ansi, and RIP bulletin screens were gone forever.
Really. Or as Bill Cosby's "Noah And The Ark" routine noted,
"He had to keep telling the rabbits...ONLY TWO!!". <G> I did
that routine for my final exam in 10th grade drama
a perfect score. :)
I love that routine, beginning with, "whoosha, whoosha"(saw), God's greeting, & Noah saying, "Yes, Lord? I've been good!"
"How Long Can You Tread Water??!!" <G>
Especially when you had to take a shovel everywhere. <G>
What shovel? Huh?
That's what was instructed...dig a hole, drop your excrement in there, then cover it back up. This was long before toilets were invented.
It's a good song, though; catchy.
There was another song entitled Jezebel...I forget who sang it.
I thought it was when they first saw each other naked...and he told
her "Stand back, honey. I don't know how big this is going to get". <G>
Eve was the first carpenter; she made Adam's banana stand.
ROFLMBO!! I needed that one. <G>
Do infants enjoy infancy, as much as adults enjoy adultery?? :P
Rumour has it. . .
The New Gaither Vocal Band had a song, which is so true. "If it can
be twisted, you can be sure that it will. 'Cause there ain't nothin' The Rumor Mill".
I liked the quip that "In the old days, it was considered a miracle
for an ass to speak (Balaam's donkey). Now, it'd be a miracle if one
kept his mouth shut". And on that note, it's time to go eat lunch...
but at least I don't go for the saying "you are what you eat" -- what
if your preferred food is rump roast?? <G>
I ofte say, "I'm getting old, but it beats the alternative!";
invariably one(usually a woman" will pipe up with, "I'd rather be
I say "That's not the alternative!" & often have to help them
understand the point being made.
I celebrate everything. 98% of those with burt aneurysms are dead.
I'm guessing 98% of those suirvivers only lived because someone was
there & saw them fall, to call 911 immediately.
it's a kidney stone (I get 20+ a year); but if it's achy legs from
walking what bit I do (in the home); I give thanks tht I'm not confined
to a wheelchair (I use one to go out, & that's already too much for
this formerly active walker (20-80 miles/day through my youth; most at 6MPH.
I'd say that falls under "enough"; but you got to trust you'll have that "enough," too, right?
It's frustrating, I know - been there. . . I just power through it,
with trust(faith) & await the expected positive resolution (do my part
if it's required, of course)
My belief is we are to judge favorably and that we are commanded to help, not to judge.
Remember, Jesus(&/or Paul) taught to give without expectation of
I might only have 25c to give, or a sandwich (if you're concerned about them spending the money unwisely, give them food instead; the real
needy appreciate that!)
I've heard these, too, but I refuser to accept rumours as being facts. Otherwise I'm participating as a talebearer (forbidden in Proverbs & Torah).
I hate when that happens! You don't have Norton/etc. to undelete?
Then ran it on my floppy (completely empty/dead) & watched the display
as it recovered file after file (YIPPEE!).
"How Long Can You Tread Water??!!" <G>
Point aptly made!
Yup. . I used to ask people, "Does a Pope **** in the woods?" or "Is
the bear Polish?"; Yup, I'm known as the weird guy. & I wear that distinction with pride.
Eve was the first carpenter; she made Adam's banana stand.
ROFLMBO!! I needed that one. <G>
I still don't get why men blame women for al the ills of life (&
original sin)
She made a mistake in judgement; Adam knowingly went against God's expressly stated Will. Forgiveness was available, but I consider the greatest sin to have been Adam's. So I don't have a built-in misogyny (can't, I *LOVE* women!)
I try for balance. . . (beer in one hand & whiskey in the other)
I ofte say, "I'm getting old, but it beats the alternative!"; invariably one(usually a woman" will pipe up with, "I'd rather be young."
My late father said for years that he was 19...and I believed him.
When I caught up and passed him, "I smelled a rat". Or as my late wife
noted "There's something rotten in Denmark...and it isn't the codfish".
Before Arkansas lowered the mask mandate, and allowed individuals 16
and older to get their COVID-19 had to be at least 65. I
just turned 61 late last month...and I was still "too young" to get a
shot at the time. The president and his wife of the Arkansas State
Square Dance Federation, are just a couple of years older than me, and
he noted "We love being 63 and young". <G>
Some folks on my BBS had a fit when I announced they had a birthday.
Every day is a gift....and most of us older folks realize that we have
more days behind us, than ahead of us.
confinedit's a kidney stone (I get 20+ a year); but if it's achy legs from walking what bit I do (in the home); I give thanks tht I'm not
atto a wheelchair (I use one to go out, & that's already too much for this formerly active walker (20-80 miles/day through my youth; most
Been there, done that, got the wardrobe, on the kidney stones. But,
I've stopped drinking soda, and gone to just flavored water, or diet green tea citrus, I haven't had an attack in a good while. The pain of a kidney stone is the closest a man can get to childbirth. One woman told me that
"If women can pass a baby, you men can pass a stone" which I told her "Unlike the female cervix, the male penis can not dialate".
April are basically "paid".
I normally do that, telling folks not to worry about it...especially
for those who I know. I've heard reports of these panhandlers accosting drivers at intersections.
My ex-fiancee' wanted me to always take her to the most expensive food place, always pick up the tab, forsake all my hobbies, and spend every waking moment with her. She was to do all the taking, and I was to do
all the giving...that type of a relationship does NOT work. My late wife
at least asked me who was paying for the meal. I normally would, but if
I needed us to "go dutch", or for her to pay for it, she never complained.
I went out to 2 area restaurants just before Christmas, and gave a $100 tip to an employee at each place, who always took good care of me. I still like to tip employees who do me right, but I can't afford to eat out every single day.
I've seen it in action as well...that just turned me off.
I hate when that happens! You don't have Norton/etc. to undelete?
I use the IObit software suite, and one of those has an undelete deal,
but normally that works with Windows files, and not at a DOS prompt.
I did the "Phone Call From God" by Jerry Jordan, it was hard trying to
stay in character, as one gets laughing as well...and everyone else is laughing as well.
Yup. . I used to ask people, "Does a Pope **** in the woods?" or "Is the bear Polish?"; Yup, I'm known as the weird guy. & I wear that distinction with pride.
I saw a tagline that noted "Seen On A Baby Stroller: Poo-Poo Happens".
There is also a commercial on the Swiffer Pet Hair Cleaner. Some pets
shed like the dickens (talk about their own fur balls)...while others
don't. But, the kicker for the commercial was "Shed Happens". <BG>
Eve was deceived, so I have to cut her some slack. But, Adam apparently gave in without a fight...but did so as he didn't want to lose Eve.
misogynyShe made a mistake in judgement; Adam knowingly went against God's expressly stated Will. Forgiveness was available, but I consider the greatest sin to have been Adam's. So I don't have a built-in
(can't, I *LOVE* women!)
I grew up with a brother. It never occurred to me that it took women forever and day to get ready. My late wife had one cardinal rule:
When I forgot, she'd spit like a mad cat. Nothing more needed to be said...I knew I was guilty. :P
I try for balance. . . (beer in one hand & whiskey in the other)
Balanced the belly, and in the buttocks. <G>
Our phase 2 was 70+ &/or those with chronic health conditions; I
qualify, but am still waiting, as is allowed currently. They'll even
do a housecall for me!
For the women who feel obliged todo the stereotype I tell them: men
have ages; women just have birthdays.
We give 'birth' to a jaggewd rock(dead, not even pretty, just a pointy ships' wheel)
I saw a tagline that noted "Seen On A Baby Stroller: Poo-Poo Happens".
Fair version or my goto: "feces occurs."
Haven't seen it, but I like it already; I love when advertisers have
the balls to do an edgy-esque pun!
But most often we gravitate towards closing both seat & lid aftyer
every use, so both must lift & both must lower -- fair & looks better,
& when kids happen or visit, it's child-proofed.
I, when I was 6, sat without looking, & got a cold wet tush!
Balanced the belly, and in the buttocks. <G>
My doctor told me to watch my weight, so I've put it right out front
where I can watch it easier!
Doc told my wife to watcghher weight, she replied, "Why, does it do tricks?"
Well, time to put in some ObHumour to keep this thread on topic for everyone else.
echos (the other was purely G-rated (grade 4 level language/situations only, & he'd kick you out for even a HINT of an infraction!
I really ought to start losing weight...
But, I've got too much on my plate at the moment.
We Tried Getting Americans to Start Measuring Weight in Kilograms
Instead of Pounds
But they were very cagey about it.
You should avoid beef when trying to lose weight
Too many cowlories.
[I was amazed at how many kcal beef has!]
"Your 'p' was silent."
back to the weight loss stuff:
I started going to the gym in my tuxedo, everything went well except
the weight lifting...
Is not my strong suit.
What do you call an over weight psychic?
A four chin teller
I thought that taking the shell off of my racing snail would save
weight and make it more streamlined so it would be faster....
But it just made it more sluggish......
My mother's sister can carry 50 times her own weight
She's truly my aunt
I’ve been writing a book on weight loss.
I hope it will appeal to a wide audience.
How do you get to the weight room at Hogwarts?
Through the Dumbell door
For the women who feel obliged todo the stereotype I tell them: men have ages; women just have birthdays.
Not a bad way to look at it.
pointyWe give 'birth' to a jaggewd rock(dead, not even pretty, just a
ships' wheel)
If you have more than one, you name them "Sly And The Family Stone". <G>
Happens".I saw a tagline that noted "Seen On A Baby Stroller: Poo-Poo
friends),Fair version or my goto: "feces occurs."
I said that at work years ago, and this woman I was working with (she
had just lost her first husband to colon cancer, but we were great
looked at me like "WTH??". I translated it, and she busted out laughing; saying "I'm going to tell my sister!!". The next morning, I asked her ifasked
she told her sister, she busted out laughing, and said "Yep"...then I
"Same Reaction??", and she said "Yep".
better,But most often we gravitate towards closing both seat & lid aftyer every use, so both must lift & both must lower -- fair & looks
& when kids happen or visit, it's child-proofed.
It's no fun sitting in the water. :P
I, when I was 6, sat without looking, & got a cold wet tush!
See what I mean??
My doctor told me to watch my weight, so I've put it right out front where I can watch it easier!
I watch what I eat...from the plate to the mouth.
language/situationsechos (the other was purely G-rated (grade 4 level
only, & he'd kick you out for even a HINT of an infraction!
The kids are hearing far more than G-rated in elementary school now.
We Tried Getting Americans to Start Measuring Weight in Kilograms Instead of Pounds
But they were very cagey about it.
Why would you want to kill a gram??
Diet water has half the calories of regular water. <G>
At times, I have to poke holes in my belt to keep my pants from falling off. The suspenders kept snapping off.
My mother's sister can carry 50 times her own weight
She's truly my aunt
That is a true pun.
They'll really be hip to it.
The blonde had skid marks on her shirt, from getting run over
at the intersections. She crawled across, because the sign said
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