Hello Tommi!
Sunday November 28 2021 10:01, you wrote to All:
* Originally in golded
* Crossposted in fidosoft.husky
Hi All,
I use GoldED with -W to create echolist to be used elsewhere.
"-W Write a GOLDAREA.INC file with AREADEF's of all mail areas."
Some groups were shown as "0", not as "X" or "F" or as they should. I investigated this a bit and found out that if "-TooOld" is before "-g
F" in echoarea line, GoldED does not read the group correctly.
Problem solved by reordering parameters in fidoconfig.
Very cool, what did you add to fidoconfig to resolv this?
--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: Awesome Net- Oregon FTN Hub - www.awesomenet.us (1:105/81)