Moving to Centos 8.x with all that systemd crap.
Any advice?
Moving to Centos 8.x with all that systemd crap.
Any advice? ;-)
Hello All!
Moving to Centos 8.x with all that systemd crap.
Any advice?
Moving to Centos 8.x with all that systemd crap.
Any advice?
There's nothing wrong with that "systemd crap". The only
problem is people who don't take time to understand how
powerful it can be.
Any advice?
Any advice?
Yes. Stop wasteing our time and let's do something useful.
For example teach me if it's wasteing or wasting? I do write looking and watching but with "e" if it's boeing. What's the rule of that??
There's nothing wrong with that "systemd crap". The only problem is people who don't take time to understand how powerful it can be.
Gerrit Kuehn wrote to Nigel Reed <=-
Hello Nigel!
07 Dec 20 10:59, Nigel Reed wrote to Karel Kral:
There's nothing wrong with that "systemd crap". The only problem is
people who don't take time to understand how powerful it can be.
Well, I don't care much about its power. It's obviously the wrong tool
for me, made for scenarios I don't have here. So all it does is
bringing in new bugs, new problems, new issues to waste my time. There
is no benefit.
Well, I don't care much about its power. It's obviously the wrong
tool for me, made for scenarios I don't have here.
Systemd isn't that bad.
It's much better than Lennart's pulseaudio, now THAT sucks.
I moved to Systed with Fedora in 2013 or so,
Systemd isn't that bad. It's much better than Lennart's pulseaudio,
now THAT sucks.
I moved to Systed with Fedora in 2013 or so, and really, the only
four notable
differences was the system booted a little faster, shut down a lot faster, the
commands to start a service were slightly different, and the message
log was
accessed through journalctl.
but systemd was not that a big deal.
On 12-08-20 21:54, Dennis Katsonis wrote to Gerrit Kuehn <=-
Systemd isn't that bad. It's much better than Lennart's pulseaudio,
now THAT sucks.
I moved to Systed with Fedora in 2013 or so, and really, the only four notable differences was the system booted a little faster, shut down a
lot faster, the commands to start a service were slightly different,
and the message log was accessed through journalctl.
On 12-08-20 13:16, Gerrit Kuehn wrote to Dennis Katsonis <=-
Hello Dennis!
08 Dec 20 21:54, Dennis Katsonis wrote to Gerrit Kuehn:
Systemd isn't that bad. It's much better than Lennart's pulseaudio,
now THAT sucks.
Tell me about it. OSS always worked fine for me. So did JACK.
As I said, this wholly depends on your use case. If you're running a notebook, I totally see the benefit. However, I have mainly servers and
a few workstations to maintain. These are not booted for days, weeks or even months, and they hardly ever change their network settings. If
they boot, hardware detection alone might take minutes, so I absolutely don't care about saving a few seconds afterwards during boot.
On the other hand, from day one I had a hard time making systemd *not* causing race conditions and actually wait for things that are required during boot on these machines, especially network connections and
remote mounts.
Gerrit Kuehn wrote to Dennis Katsonis <=-
Hello Dennis!
08 Dec 20 21:54, Dennis Katsonis wrote to Gerrit Kuehn:
Systemd isn't that bad. It's much better than Lennart's pulseaudio,
now THAT sucks.
Tell me about it. OSS always worked fine for me. So did JACK.
I moved to Systed with Fedora in 2013 or so, and really, the only
four notable
differences was the system booted a little faster, shut down a lot
faster, the
commands to start a service were slightly different, and the message
log was
accessed through journalctl.
As I said, this wholly depends on your use case. If you're running a notebook, I totally see the benefit. However, I have mainly servers and
a few workstations to maintain. These are not booted for days, weeks or even months, and they hardly ever change their network settings. If
they boot, hardware detection alone might take minutes, so I absolutely don't care about saving a few seconds afterwards during boot. On the
other hand, from day one I had a hard time making systemd *not* causing race conditions and actually wait for things that are required during
boot on these machines, especially network connections and remote
but systemd was not that a big deal.
Your mileage may vary.
Systemd isn't that bad. It's much better than Lennart's pulseaudio, now THAT sucks.
Tell me about it. OSS always worked fine for me. So did JACK.
OSS worked, but limited in some ways. ALSA generally works well for
my needs.
JACK looks good, but I've never actually used it, even though it's
been around for donkeys years.
Moving to Centos 8.x with all that systemd crap.
Any advice?
I had a quick play with systemd on debian. It works well. It's
possible to start a service like binkd or a BBS as a regular user
rather than root.
start() {
ebegin "Starting binkd"
start-stop-daemon --start --user ${BINKD_USER} --exec /usr/bin/binkd --pidfile ${BINKD_PID} -- ${BINKD_OPTIONS} ${BINKD_CFG}
eend $?
start() {
ebegin "Starting binkd"
start-stop-daemon --start --user ${BINKD_USER} --exec /usr/bin/binkd
eend $?
The --user option looks interesting. I might be able to use that here
if my init supports it.
The --user option looks interesting. I might be able to use that here
if my init supports it.
Very stupid method...
The --user option looks interesting. I might be able to use that here
if my init supports it.
There's another option, which allows running several binkd instances
for different users:
% crontab -l | grep fidomailer
*/15 * * * * fidomailer
And, of course, it doesn't require the root privileges.
The --user option looks interesting. I might be able to use that
here if my init supports it.
There's another option, which allows running several binkd instancesand this crontab runs as root, oh dear :)
for different users:
% crontab -l | grep fidomailer
*/15 * * * * fidomailer
And, of course, it doesn't require the root privileges.i noted this in binkd.conf, but i miss the part of parse gentoo env
if its ignored to not use root in the --user openrc script
gentoo (openrc) do support multiple openrc users config deamons, no
need for bashing :)
On 12-09-20 20:47, Gerrit Kuehn wrote to Tony Langdon <=-
Don't compare recent ALSA with OSS from 10+ years ago. Ever used OSS4?
JACK looks good, but I've never actually used it, even though it's
been around for donkeys years.
I'm not using it frequently, either. However, when I need it, it
usually just works.
Don't compare recent ALSA with OSS from 10+ years ago. Ever used
No, what features does OSS4 have, and how well are they supported by software?
On 12-11-20 20:23, Gerrit Kuehn wrote to Tony Langdon <=-
No, what features does OSS4 have, and how well are they supported by software? ns_for
This example wasn't intended for idiots. However, nothing prevents
idiots to implement it in their usual manner.
As binkd is supposed to be run by different users, it has nothing to
do with openrc or any other init scripts.
It seems like you are trying to look even more stupid than you really are. Rather you don't: someone may believe you.
remember be nice
remember be niceHeh, heh. Good luck with that.
i will
i willYou will what?
as previous there is no inteligent life in here :)
question: how to connect to 2:5030/786
i know its related to brokken dnssec, but not how to solve
question: how to connect to 2:5030/786
i know its related to brokken dnssec, but not how to solve
question: how to connect to 2:5030/786I know there's no such node in the nodelist.346 as of 11-Dec-2020
i know its related to brokken dnssec, but not how to solve
There is little life in here nevermind intelligent life. I think you might be asking for far too much.
I don't know as I have never tried. I see in the nodelist that binkd should work.
This is the first time I have ever heard of this. I didn't know it
was a problem nevermind knowing a solution.
not nodelisted anymore, no more problem
Yes. Stop wasteing our time and let's do something useful.
For example teach me if it's wasteing or wasting? I do write looking
and watching but with "e" if it's boeing. What's the rule of that??
Actually fighting that idea of journalctl. OK, nice, new, complex, holistic...
There is usualy one need: to keep logs for certain amount of time
(based on SLA, based on law, etc.) Looks to me that design focused to zillion switches how to influence/keep disk space, but how to achieve
that I have 100% of time frame logged is not so easy. Shall I try to calculate disc space? Shall I rather put there all space to be sure?
From man: "...Normally, time-based deletion of old journal files
should not be required as size-based deletion with options such as SystemMaxUse= should be sufficient to ensure that journal files do not
grow without bounds..."
not nodelisted anymore, no more problemI saw the post about it. Another one bytes the dust. :-/
yes, i see its funny one that lives on exhange of imformation,
is not doing it well, sadly
Look at logrotate which is the normal product to control journal files
in /var/log
Hello Vincent!
20 Dec 20 14:05, you wrote to me:
Look at logrotate which is the normal product to control journal
files in /var/log
The issue is that in default journalctl is not creating standard files
in /var/log/journal to be rotated as usual (which was my behaviour
My understanding was that "vacuum" is done by journald itself.
But OK, I will figure it somehow...
I do not like using journalctl to read such logs so I allow a command
to run to use the older method and that way I can just look at an individual log file.
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