On 01 Nov 2019 at 03:57a, Richard Fairman pondered and said...
Now fixed When removing file bases such as fasxnode I was prompted to allow remove data files I clicked yes but the files were not removed
from the data folder I removed them manually now tossing works as
expected Maybe the non deletion of the data files
is a bug
Removing the data files does not remove the actual files, instead it clears
the database Mystic has internally running to keep track of what files are actually in a given file area i.e. the file directory you specify to store them.
I think the reset would not have hurt but the removal of the old files from
the directory allowed the new ones to toss in correctly, now the interesting thing will be will you encounter the same issue next time files arrive as the nodelist file is hatched weekly and includes the REPLACE verb in the TIC file so Mystic should swap things out replacing old with new.
Also check a couple of things in your settings
Config > File Base Settings
ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß File Base Settings ß
List Compression ³ Yes Auto Valida
List Columns ³ 2 See Unvalid
Bases in Groups ³ Yes DL Unvalida
Reshow File Header ³ No See Failed
Upload Dupe Scan ³ Current DL Failed
I suggest set 'upload dupe scan' to 'Current'
This allows for more than one copy of a file to be imported into multiple bases. In most cases you don't have many of those but I have seen people get stuck importing nodelists when another copy of the nodelist might sit in another file base... so the short version is use 'current' to avoid issues later.
The other thing to check is in the .ini file you use to import files.
; If this is true, then Mystic will allow the REPLACE TIC option, which will
; remove and replace files by the specified file mask.
allow_replace = true
; If true, then Mystic will attempt to autocreate file bases when a file is
; found for an Area that does not already exist. If an unknown file is found
; and this option is disabled, the file will be considered a failure, and will
; be ignored/moved to bad directory (if enabled)
auto_create = true
You'll want to ensure these are both set to true.
Hope this helps
Best, Paul
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Windows/32)
* Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | agency.bbs.nz (3:770/100)