• Join 1 AdvnetureNet

    From Gert Andersen@2:230/150 to All on Tue Jun 4 09:45:26 2019
    Adventure Network Manual Application Procedure

    Once you have located a local coordinator or have contacted one of
    us, you should run the application program included in the packet or send in
    the application to NC/IC 33:33/100 by netmail or email zipped advnet@kofo.org.
    The information provided in the application is for our purposes only.
    Information about your bbs is used to compile the nodelist. The personal
    information helps your local coordinator to contact you if system to system
    connections can not be established.

    If you send an application, you should rename it to YOUR_LASTNAME.APP.
    If your last name is longer than 8 letters, such as Stroehman, you would
    name the file STROEHMA.APP.

    ** Sending it as ADVNET.APP may cause files **
    ** to be overwritten and your application lost. **

    If your local coordinator permits it, you may also be able to join by
    sending netmail with the required information or by speaking the good old
    fashioned way, voice to voice.

    You should be contacted within 2-3 days regarding your node number.
    If any additional information is required for you to obtain a number, you
    will be informed as to what it is.

    Please fill out this application in its entirety and then return it to
    your nearest AdventureNet Coordinator. Your application will be reviewed
    and you will be contacted by BBS mail or voice if you are approved or need
    to do anything else.
    After filling out the application you have to make a zip file of the file
    like lastname.zip or advnet-[name].zip

    Please use an ASCII editor to fill out this application.
    Pack the application *.app file to a zip file and attach it by email.

    *** Now on the Internet ***

    If you wish to get your files via the Internet for no LD calls then
    read inethelp.zip!

    Updated: 05/25/2019
    [Snip and send in the below] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ÛÛ²±° Adventure Network Application °±²ÛÛ

    This Is an application for Adventure Net. All Info Must be filled out
    before any system can be checked out, For entrance Into Adventure Net.
    Send via netmail to gert at

    Gert Koefoed Andersen
    The KOFO BBS - Fido 2:230/150
    AdventureNet 33:2100/1


    (Required for nodelist entry)
    BBS Board Name : ________________________________
    City / Province : ______________________ State :______
    Sysops Real Name: ______________________ (Alias if desired)
    BBS Phone Number: (___) ___-____ or ______________________
    Your InterNet IP Address: ____________________ (
    Max Baudrate : [ ] 1200 Bps [ ] 2400 Bps
    [ ] 9600 Bps [ ] 14400 Bps
    [ ] 28800 Bps [ ] 36600 Bps
    [ ] 57600 Bps [ ] 112500 Bps
    [ ] Telnet [ ] IBN

    Please put an X in the [ ] if the item applies to you.

    <=- Operation Flags -=>
    [ ] CM Node accepts mail 24 hours a day
    [ ] MO Node does not accept human callers
    [ ] LO Node accepts calls from listed nodes only

    <=- Modem Flags -=>
    [ ] V21 CCITT V21 300 bps full duplex
    [ ] V22 CCITT V22 1200 bps full duplex
    [ ] V29 CCITT V29 9600 bps half duplex
    [ ] V32 CCITT V32 9600 bps full duplex
    [ ] V32B CCITT V32bis 14400 bps full duplex
    [ ] V32T AT&T V32terbo 19200 bps full duplex
    [ ] V33 CCITT V33
    [ ] V34 CCITT V34 V.FAST
    [ ] V42 LAP-M error correction w/fallback to MNP 1-4
    [ ] V42B CCITT V42bis LAP-M error correction w/fallback to MNP 1-5
    [ ] VFC Proprietary - 28800 Max
    [ ] UX2 56,700 BPS US Robotics 'X2' Protocol.
    [ ] FLX 56,700 BPS The 56K 'Flex' Protocol (A LA USR Dual)
    [ ] Z56 56,700 BPS The 56K Zoom Modem Protocol
    [ ] V90 56,700 BPS The ITU 56K Modem Standard Protocol
    [ ] MNP Microcom Networking Protocol error correction
    [ ] H96 Hayes V9600
    [ ] HST USR Courier HST 9600
    [ ] H14 USR Courier HST 14.4
    [ ] H16 USR Courier HST 16.8
    [ ] H21 USR Courier HST 21.6
    [ ] MAX Microcom AX/96xx series
    [ ] PEP Packet Ensemble Protocol
    [ ] CSP Compucom Speedmodem
    [ ] ZYX Zyxel Series Modem
    [ ] DS Dual Standard
    [ ] IBN Binkp mailer
    [ ] None Not Listed of the above types. Type : ________________

    <=- Front-End mailer Flags -=>
    [ ] XA Bark and WaZOO file/update requests
    FrontDoor <1.99a, 2.01<, BinkleyTerm 2.1<, Dutchie 2.90c
    InterMail 2.01b<, SEmail 1.01<, D'Bridge <1.29, TIMS
    PoP 0.50<, Opus 1.70<
    [ ] XB Bark file/update requests, WaZOO file requests
    BinkleyTerm 2.0, Dutchie 2.90b
    [ ] XC Bark file requests, WaZOO file/update requests
    Opus 1.1
    [ ] XP Bark file/update requests
    [ ] XR Bark and WaZOO file requests
    Opus 1.03
    [ ] XW WaZOO file requests
    Fido 12N<, Tabby
    [ ] XX WaZOO file/update requests
    D'Bridge 1.30<, FrontDoor 1.99b-2.00, InterMail <2.01a
    TrapDoor 1.80<, Amiga XenoLink
    [ ] IBN Binkp
    Binkp address/IP hostname : ___________________________
    [ ] Not Listed Above - Type : _____________



    Info is confidential and is for our records only. If you
    have a problem with any of the questions leave blank and
    explain your reason for not filling it out, thanks. This
    information will help us resolve any conflicts with any
    hardware or software problems. This section is completely
    optional to fill in but it helps fill our confidental records.

    Û²±° Personal Information °±²Û
    Sysops Real Name:_______________________________
    Alias (if any) :_______________________________
    Home Address :________________________________________
    Sex : [ ] Male [ ] Famale
    City:_____________________________ State:_________ Zip:___________
    or Province/Area:_________________________________
    Voice Phone #:(___)___-____ Data Phone #:(___)___-____
    Fax Phone # (if needed): (___)___-____
    Date of Birth:__/__/____ Your Age:_____
    Your IP InterNet address in digits : __________________
    Your InterNet E-mail Address:

    Û²±° BBS Information °±²Û
    BBS Software :_________________________________ Version: ____________
    BBS Operating hours : [ ] 24hrs a day [ ] Other - (List) ______________
    Front End Mailer:______________________________ Version: ____________
    Date your system went into operation :__/__/____
    Tosser/Packer:_________________________________ Version: ____________
    CPU/model/speed (for ex. 386/33):______________________________________
    HD/size/type (MFM/110/IDE):____________________________________________
    Approx Total Number of Callers on your System: ____________________
    Mailer Password (secure session, not required): ____________________
    Gecho Password (areafix, not required): ____________________________

    Û²±° BBS Information °±²Û
    Make/Model of Modem :________________
    Other Nets you belong to (Name/Number):________________________________

    Do you hold any specific position (hub, *C, etc.) in any of the above
    networks? If so please state which net and position below:_____________
    Would you be interested in becoming a HOST or HUB for AdventureNet?
    Yes[ ] No[ ]
    Since AdventureNet is new, we haven't many region coordinators either.
    Would you like to become a region coordinator? Yes[ ] No[ ]

    Could you call long distance for mail if necessary? [ ] Yes [ ] No
    If No would that depend on frequency? [ ] Yes [ ] No
    Would you be interested in File Net Echos? [ ] Yes [ ] No
    If Yes consult the Advnet.Fbb File for details.
    Would you be interested in Inter-BBS game Leagues? [ ] Yes [ ] No
    If Yes consult the Advnet.gam file for details.

    Would you like your own select node number? If so what number:________

    Prefered method of getting network: [ ] Direct Poll
    [ ] Internet: Ftp
    [ ] Internet: e-mail
    [ ] Inteneet: Transx
    [ ] Internet: Binkp
    [ ] Internet: Other-______________

    Do you require help setting up;
    Your Front end mailer? [ ] Yes [ ] No
    Your Mail Tosser? [ ] Yes [ ] No

    Where did you hear about AdventureNet? _______________________________

    Why did you not use AdvNAPP.EXE to fill out your application?

    Why are you interested in this net for:______________________

    Why do you want to join Adventure Net:_______________________

    Comments: ___________________________________________________


    III. Application Policy

    If any Info Is found out to be false it will mean an instant
    disconnect from Adventure Net. So Please Make sure you answer all
    the questions as truthfully as possible.

    Failure to follow the simple guidelines of Adventure net will result
    in deletion from the net. Do you understand and agree to follow all rules
    and guidelines of Adventure net? If so Please give your name below.

    (real Name)
    Signature:_________________________ Date_________________
    Alias :____________________________

    Notificatiion of acceptance or denial will be electronically sent to you
    within 14 days of receipt. Or you may poll the Home system for mail.
    Submission of this application does not automatically grant membership.

    NOTE: all systems are listed as CONTINUOUS MAIL (CM) & Assumed 24 hours.
    If any information in section I or II changes, you must amend this document
    and NetMail it to the Adventure Network Coordinator, at 33:409/100

    You should also have a front end mailer up and running prior to sending in
    your application. Use 33:409/999 as a temporary node number.

    AdventureNet Home System is The KOFO BBS.
    Gert Andersen aka kofo SysOp/IC/NC/NEC
    Fidonet node 2:230/150
    Adventure Net 33:2100/1 - 33:33/1
    Mailer system name binkp.kofobbs.dk
    24 hours all days
    Email: advnet@kofo.org
    Web: http://www.kofobbs.dk/adventurenet/
    http://www.advnet.name is our new place.
    Runs by The KOFO BBS + on its own web name.
    File Request by Binkp mailer magic advnet or ADVNET.ZIP
    Send all Request and files to NC 33:33/101 !!

    Complete the application and send it using the above guidelines to
    either one of these boards which will process it accordingly.

    Please note that all information on this application is held Confidential
    except that portion that is required for the nodelist and operation of the
    net. Personal home phone numbers and addresses will never be given out to
    anyone (without permission of owner information).

    You can send your application to a local hub for distribution back
    to the Net NC.

    Once you have all of the above filled out please rename this application
    so that the file name is equal to: LASTNAME.APP (or your application may
    be lost) and return it via File Attached Netmail to me or your nearest State
    Host or Hub. You will then be notified as soon as possible of the status of
    your request.
    Before sending the application file by email you have to make a zip file to
    send to be send, a ascii and a text file is work to send.

    Thank you for your interest in becoming a AdventureNet node!

    Last Updated: 05/25/2019

    --- Done by Gentoo Linux kernel-4.9.93
    * Origin: The AdventureNet at http://www.kofobbs.dk/adventurenet/ (2:230/150)
  • From Don Lowery@1:340/1000 to Gert Andersen on Tue Jan 28 13:25:14 2020
    Once you have located a local coordinator or have contacted one of
    us, you should run the application program included in the packet or send in the application to NC/IC 33:33/100 by netmail or email zipped

    Have attempted to send in an application previously...but Gmail keeps telling me the email addresses don't exist. Am very interested in the net.

    Thank you!

    ACME BBS-Member of fsxNet/WWIVNet/SciNet/SpookNet/FidoNet/MicroNet.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/01/28 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: ACME BBS-Member of fsxNet/WWIVNet/SciNet/SpookNet (1:340/1000)
  • From Don Lowery@1:340/1000 to Gert Andersen on Tue Jan 28 14:27:42 2020
    Adventure Network Manual Application Procedure

    Have sent you the completed application in the body of the email & as a
    zipped file.

    Thank you!

    ACME BBS-Member of fsxNet/WWIVNet/SciNet/SpookNet/FidoNet/MicroNet.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/01/28 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: ACME BBS-Member of fsxNet/WWIVNet/SciNet/SpookNet (1:340/1000)
  • From Dumas Walker@1:2320/105 to DON LOWERY on Wed Jan 29 18:07:00 2020
    Have attempted to send in an application previously...but Gmail keeps telling me the email addresses don't exist. Am very interested in the net.

    Is that network active?


    * SLMR 2.1a * Don't be sexist! Chicks hate that.
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From Don Lowery@1:340/1000 to Dumas Walker on Thu Jan 30 00:54:12 2020
    Have attempted to send in an application previously...but Gmail keeps te me the email addresses don't exist. Am very interested in the net.
    Is that network active?

    He's got messages he posts everyday...along with a website which works. Did
    get a bounce from the cc: to the website...but haven't heard anything from
    the one with his name.

    ACME BBS-Member of fsxNet/WWIVNet/SciNet/SpookNet/FidoNet/MicroNet.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/01/28 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: ACME-Member of fsx/WWIV/Sci/Spook/MicroNets (1:340/1000)