On 2019 Jun 27 11:16:46, you wrote to All:
Is this the most current list of networks?
as wilfred said, nope... there's a lot more out there... whether they are active or not is another matter... all of the following have been gathered from
my mailer logs over the last few years... hopefully you will find this helpful and informative...
==== Begin "binkd-networks.conf" ==== #######################################################################
# binkd-networks.conf for Southeast Star #
# last changed - 201807130740 #
# #
# FTN Domains are limited to 8 characters. that's all the room there #
# is for them in the pkt header. #
# #
# the largest zone handled by traditional BSO is 4095 because the #
# extension on the outbound directory name is only 3 characters long #
# due to its DOS heritage from the '80s. since the other zones are #
# represented by hex characters, fff (0xfff 4095d) is the largest #
# FTN zone available. #
# #
# alias-for entries are listed at the bottom of this file. they are #
# used to correct bad/erroneous domains listed in connecting mailers' #
# so the mail will flow properly. #
# #
# this file is configured for 5D BSO layout. #
# in a 5D BSO layout, othernets that share the same zone and will not #
# conflict with each other like they do in a 3D/4D BSO layout. 5D BSO #
# requires that your mailer, mail tosser and anything else that may #
# write to your BSO must all be 5D capable and configured as such. an #
# example of an additional package needing to write to your BSO would #
# be a TIC/FDN file processor. #
# #
# in a 5D BSO layout, each othernet has its own outbound directory #
# instead of sharing the main outbound directory with all your other #
# FTN networks like they do for 3D/4D setups. in 5D, you specify the #
# outbound and your default zone for that othernet. your mail tosser #
# will create any additional directories for that FTN if it uses more #
# than one zone. you must make sure that the zone you specify is your #
# zone in that othernet. #
# #
# eg: justanet uses zones 510 and 539. if you are in justanet as #
# 539:1/2 you put 539 as the default zone number for the justanet #
# definition below. if you have mail for a justanet system in #
# zone 510, your mailer will create justanet.1fe to store that #
# mail in for your mailer to send. #
# #
# if you need to configure for 3D/4D BSO, then you set all of the #
# outbound directories below to the same path and set all FTN Zones #
# to same zone as your main address. then, as described above, the #
# needed directories will be created with the proper extension needed #
# to represent that zone in HEX. #
# #
# at this time, there are only three known othernets with DNS lookup #
# domains. they are the only ones known to be creating DNS zones from #
# their nodelists so that f.n.z@domain conversions will work. #
# f.n.z@domain conversions from FTN addresses to internet domains are #
# done automatically by your mailer. #
# #
# eg: 1:3634/12@fidonet => f12.n3634.z1.binkp.net #
# 1:3634/12.5@fidonet => p5.f12.n3634.z1.binkp.net #
# # #######################################################################
# domain outbound dir Zone lookup domain # #######################################################################
domain fidonet /sbbs/ftn/out/fidonet 1 binkp.net
domain fmlynet /sbbs/ftn/out/fmlynet 8
domain survnet /sbbs/ftn/out/survnet 9
domain virnet /sbbs/ftn/out/virnet 9
domain winsnet /sbbs/ftn/out/winsnet 9
domain araknet /sbbs/ftn/out/araknet 10
domain league10 /sbbs/ftn/out/league10 10
domain wwivftn /sbbs/ftn/out/wwivftn 11
domain zyxelnet /sbbs/ftn/out/zyxelnet 16
domain nazznet /sbbs/ftn/out/nazznet 19
domain fsxnet /sbbs/ftn/out/fsxnet 21 fsxnet.nz
domain usenet /sbbs/ftn/out/usenet 21
domain zone21 /sbbs/ftn/out/zone21 21
domain sportnet /sbbs/ftn/out/sportnet 24
domain billnet /sbbs/ftn/out/billnet 25
domain choicfdn /sbbs/ftn/out/choicfdn 30
domain gamenet /sbbs/ftn/out/gamenet 32
domain htmlnet /sbbs/ftn/out/htmlnet 32
domain advnet /sbbs/ftn/out/advnet 33
domain amiganet /sbbs/ftn/out/amiganet 39
domain cybernet /sbbs/ftn/out/cybernet 40
domain sfnet /sbbs/ftn/out/sfnet 42
domain unionnet /sbbs/ftn/out/unionnet 42
domain dorenet /sbbs/ftn/out/dorenet 44
domain beerme /sbbs/ftn/out/beerme 45
domain agoranet /sbbs/ftn/out/agoranet 46
domain gatornet /sbbs/ftn/out/gatornet 57
domain tqmradio /sbbs/ftn/out/tqmradio 69
domain scinet /sbbs/ftn/out/scinet 77
domain retronet /sbbs/ftn/out/retronet 80
domain anet /sbbs/ftn/out/anet 92
domain zenet /sbbs/ftn/out/zenet 92
domain linuxnet /sbbs/ftn/out/linuxnet 110
domain stn /sbbs/ftn/out/stn 111
domain pasnet /sbbs/ftn/out/pasnet 115
domain gamesnet /sbbs/ftn/out/gamesnet 144
domain gmsnet /sbbs/ftn/out/gmsnet 145
domain ezynet /sbbs/ftn/out/ezynet 151
domain battlnet /sbbs/ftn/out/battlnet 169
domain dbnet /sbbs/ftn/out/dbnet 201
domain vqnet /sbbs/ftn/out/vqnet 220
domain fidode /sbbs/ftn/out/fidode 242
domain gtpower /sbbs/ftn/out/gtpower 276
domain pinet /sbbs/ftn/out/pinet 314
domain whisper /sbbs/ftn/out/whisper 316
domain potsnet /sbbs/ftn/out/potsnet 337
domain combatnt /sbbs/ftn/out/combatnt 411
domain vkradio /sbbs/ftn/out/vkradio 432 ftn.vkradio.com
domain ilink /sbbs/ftn/out/ilink 454
domain justanet /sbbs/ftn/out/justanet 510
domain micronet /sbbs/ftn/out/micronet 618
domain happynet /sbbs/ftn/out/happynet 637
domain spooknet /sbbs/ftn/out/spooknet 700
domain fishnet /sbbs/ftn/out/fishnet 701
domain cscnet /sbbs/ftn/out/cscnet 719
domain dovenet /sbbs/ftn/out/dovenet 723
domain xnet /sbbs/ftn/out/xnet 777
domain rdwxnet /sbbs/ftn/out/rdwxnet 801
domain rmininet /sbbs/ftn/out/rmininet 900
domain dixie /sbbs/ftn/out/dixie 901
domain zeronet /sbbs/ftn/out/zeronet 911
domain dsdsnet /sbbs/ftn/out/dsdsnet 999
domain tqwnet /sbbs/ftn/out/tqwnet 1337
domain quartz /sbbs/ftn/out/quartz 2547 #######################################################################
# alias-for domain overrides # #######################################################################
domain fido alias-for fidonet
domain fido.net alias-for fidonet
domain fidonet.net alias-for fidonet
domain fidonet.org alias-for fidonet
domain familynet alias-for fmlynet
domain league10.org alias-for league10
domain fsnet alias-for fsxnet
domain fxnet alias-for fsxnet
domain sportsnet alias-for sportnet
domain stnnet alias-for stn
domain sysop alias-for stn
domain pascalnt alias-for pasnet
domain pascalnet alias-for pasnet
domain pascal-net alias-for pasnet
domain battle alias-for battlnet
domain battlenet alias-for battlnet
domain whispnet alias-for whisper
domain whispern alias-for whisper
domain whispernet alias-for whisper
domain combatnet alias-for combatnt
domain justa alias-for justanet
domain justx alias-for justanet
domain justax alias-for justanet
domain justxnet alias-for justanet
domain justaxne alias-for justanet
domain justaxnet alias-for justanet
domain dixienet alias-for dixie #######################################################################
# -EOF- # #######################################################################
==== End "binkd-networks.conf" ====
Always Mount a Scratch Monkey
Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong...
... Tagline thievery is the most sincere form of flattery! ;*)
* Origin: (1:3634/12.73)