• Echo Rules

    From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sun Jan 20 09:11:00 2019
    This is the PRISM Chat echo

    Originally a local area on <<Prism BBS, this area has become a cool chat echo for anyone either connected to <<PRISM directly, or for anyone looking to chat with Fidonet SysOps. Nothing is off topic here. The Moderator is Janis Kracht.


    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Ozz Nixon@1:275/362 to Janis Kracht on Fri Feb 8 22:06:01 2019
    Hello Janis.

    20 Jan 19 09:11, you wrote to all:

    This is the PRISM Chat echo

    Originally a local area on <<Prism BBS, this area has become a cool

    PBBS as your system, or PBBS as in the software PRiSM BBS? (I still have the source, when I dropped from PRiSM to RiSC and wrote their BBS)...


    --- FMail-W32
    * Origin: Richmond VA (RVA) Fidonet Support (1:275/362)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to Ozz Nixon on Mon Feb 25 11:34:20 2019
    Hi Ozz,

    20 Jan 19 09:11, you wrote to all:

    This is the PRISM Chat echo

    Originally a local area on <<Prism BBS, this area has become a cool

    PBBS as your system, or PBBS as in the software PRiSM BBS? (I still have the source, when I dropped from PRiSM to RiSC and wrote their BBS)...

    <<Prism is the name of my bbs system here in Fidonet. I named it Prism sometime in the 90's, with the 'shift-left' operators to indicate where I thought the politics of this country should be (not the now trumpish-right). YMMV :)

    Take care,

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Ozz Nixon@1:275/362 to Janis Kracht on Tue Feb 26 14:09:29 2019
    On 2019-02-25 16:34:20 +0000, Janis Kracht -> Ozz Nixon said:

    Hi Ozz,

    20 Jan 19 09:11, you wrote to all:

    This is the PRISM Chat echo

    Originally a local area on <<Prism BBS, this area has become a cool

    PBBS as your system, or PBBS as in the software PRiSM BBS? (I still have the >> source, when I dropped from PRiSM to RiSC and wrote their BBS)...

    <<Prism is the name of my bbs system here in Fidonet. I named it Prism sometime in the 90's, with the 'shift-left' operators to indicate where
    I thought the politics of this country should be (not the now trumpish-right). YMMV :)

    Haha... Okay. The original Prism (BBSoftware) logo was Dark Side of the Moon ANSI. This week I am on the road, I am porting "PUP" aka "PUPPY" from T. Jenning to work over TCP, and I may add the echos to it, and re-release Puppy new source ... doing it, just to keep brushed up on my C to Pascal translation skills. ;-)


    PS. When did filegate.net/nodelist/nodelist.z## (filename become uppercase?) Noted before I went on the road 2 days ago, my node list script was not synchronizing anymore... filename is now all upper. [FIXED].

    +++ Are we having fun yet? I am!

    --- FMail-W32
    * Origin: ExchangeBBS WHQ (1:275/362.0)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to Ozz Nixon on Tue Feb 26 23:43:50 2019
    Hi Ozz,

    <<Prism is the name of my bbs system here in Fidonet. I named it Prism
    sometime in the 90's, with the 'shift-left' operators to indicate where
    I thought the politics of this country should be (not the now
    trumpish-right). YMMV :)

    Haha... Okay.

    Yeah... back then, it was Ronald Reagan not Trump... Prism being a shining light in the darkness (my software company is also named Invisible Light Software, btw...).

    As it turns out the name of my bbs still is still relevant - we still need to shift-left - maybe moreso now <g>

    The original Prism (BBSoftware) logo was Dark Side of the Moon
    ANSI. This week I am on the road, I am porting "PUP" aka "PUPPY" from T. Jenning to work over TCP, and I may add the echos to it, and re-release Puppy
    new source ... doing it, just to keep brushed up on my C to Pascal translation
    skills. ;-)

    Why not leave it in C? Any reason?

    PS. When did filegate.net/nodelist/nodelist.z## (filename become uppercase?) Noted before I went on the road 2 days ago, my node list script was not synchronizing anymore... filename is now all upper. [FIXED].

    Nick Andre releases the filenames in uppercase, I always hatched them out in lower case because linux is like that :) As I get them, they are tossed as is.

    If you look in the nodediff file echo on filegate.net, all the nodediffs I sent
    out were in lower case as well... when Nick took over, they started coming out in uppercase, and you will see that reflected in that directory as well...nodediff.a80 being the last one in lowercase on June 28, 2018.

    Take care,

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Dec 13 17:31:58 2019
    This is the The International BBBS Support Echo, tag name BBBS.ENGLISH Moderators: Kim Heino
    Janis Kracht

    This echo offers support for the multi-platform BBBS BBS software, written by Kim Heino. Topics which are on-topic include the mailer, BBS, included BBBS utilities (areafix, mail tosser, telnet, ftp,
    etc.) and scripting language.

    Topics also may include discussion of operating systems which BBBS supports (OS/2, DOS, Linux, other *nix operating systems, Win95/NT) as far as how they relate to BBBS.

    3rd party software utilities written for BBBS should be sent to RJ Clay, (1:120/544), and any announcements for them or BBBS executibles are only to be posted by RJ Clay or Kim Heino.

    No signature (SIGs) are to be posted in this echo.

    This is the The International BBBS Support Echo, tag name BBBS.ENGLISH Moderators: Kim Heino
    Janis Kracht

    This echo offers support for the multi-platform BBBS BBS software, written by Kim Heino. Topics which are on-topic include the mailer, BBS, included BBBS utilities (areafix, mail tosser, telnet, ftp,
    etc.) and scripting language.

    Topics also may include discussion of operating systems which BBBS supports (OS/2, DOS, Linux, other *nix operating systems, Win95/NT) as far as how they relate to BBBS.

    3rd party software utilities written for BBBS should be sent to RJ Clay, (1:120/544), and any announcements for them or BBBS executibles are only to be posted by RJ Clay or Kim Heino.

    No signature (SIGs) are to be posted in this echo.

    Note: Modem line has been taken down. TCPIP nodes continue with telnet/www/binkp/http/ftp

    1:261/38, janis@filegate.net

    1:261/38, janis@filegate.net

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)