I'm trying to implement the BS Bulletin alternative and wanted to bring in the BullsEye bulletins.
The main one is that it doesn't appear to support the msg files.
The other one (not in the subject) is that it's wrapping the dove-net.txt file rather wildly.
One feature I don't see listed but would be interesting is the ability to point to multiple message
boards for bulletins. I could see this for some of the automated/stat driven data that I see on
other nets.
Re: Bullsh*t Bulletins - Support for msg?
By: Hatton to echicken on Tue Sep 22 2020 02:36:05
I'm trying to implement the BS Bulletin alternative and wanted to bring in the BullsEye bulletins.
The main one is that it doesn't appear to support the msg files.
Try changing the extension from msg to txt. If you *need* to bring in .msg files on an ongoing basis, then it should be easy to add support to the underlying library (frame.js).
The main one is that it doesn't appear to support the msg files.Try changing the extension from msg to txt. If you *need* to bring in .msg files on an ongoing basis, then it should be easy to add support to the underlying library (frame.js).
Re: Bullsh*t Bulletins - Support for msg?
By: echicken to Hatton on Tue Sep 22 2020 10:05 am
The main one is that it doesn't appear to support the msg files.Try changing the extension from msg to txt. If you *need* to bring in .msg files on an ongoing basis, then it should be easy to add support to the underlying library (frame.js).
I was hoping to include the dynamic value functionality that the msg format brings.
What's interesting is when I changed the extension the same strange wrapping happened that I got on the DoveNet.txt file.
It's almost like instead of just raw-dumping the file at the end of a line it's hitting a CR/LF and then putting in spaces equal to the number of characters in the previous line. I've put a sample after my signature.
I just posted a test in the bulletin message group to see what happens. Unfortunately that's not showing up yet so I need to see if I missed something in the config somewhere.
Regarding adding multiple subs, the mindset behind my thought process there was for the networked "stats" subs but I get your point regarding the security there.
What is Dove-Net? Fri Jul 13 2007 01:22 am
DOVE-Net Introduction, Rules and Instructions -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
$Id: dove-net.txt,v 1.13 2007/07/13 01:22:23 rswin
.msg is the same format as .asc (Synchronet Ctrl-A). The only difference is the display priority (.asc is preferred over .msg for users whose terminals support US-ASCII only).
Re: Bullsh*t Bulletins - Support for msg?
By: Digital Man to echicken on Tue Sep 22 2020 03:39 pm
.msg is the same format as .asc (Synchronet Ctrl-A). The only difference is the display priority (.asc is preferred over .msg for users whose terminals support US-ASCII only).
Yeah, I think my request was somewhat unrealistic - I was hoping that I could use the alternate bulletin reader and incorporate the dynamic fields in the msg format.
Looks like an LF versus CRLF line-ending problem. Try runnnig "unix2dos" on the file?
Re: Bullsh*t Bulletins - Support for msg?
By: Digital Man to Hatton on Tue Sep 22 2020 05:45 pm
Looks like an LF versus CRLF line-ending problem. Try runnnig "unix2dos" on the file?
Even if I'm in a Linux environment?
It's almost like instead of just raw-dumping the file at the end of a line it's hitting a CR/LF and
then putting in spaces equal to the number of characters in the previous line. I've put a sample
after my signature.
By dynamic fields, you mean @-codes?
Re: Bullsh*t Bulletins - Support for msg?
By: Digital Man to Hatton on Tue Sep 22 2020 06:51 pm
By dynamic fields, you mean @-codes?
Yup, so for example when the initial "stock" bulletins load up it pulls system.msg for the Statistics.
I was hoping there was a way to use these in echicken's BS bulletin tool along with the reference to the message base.
It's almost like instead of just raw-dumping the file at the end of a line it's hitting a CR/LF and
then putting in spaces equal to the number of characters in the previous line. I've put a sample
after my signature.
The thing that was loading the text file assumed that it would encounter CRLF line endings. I've committed a change which should handle this better. It'll also accept .asc, .msg, or .txt files now.
Word of warning: it can be very slow to scroll a lot of content sometimes; probably more to do with how many characters are on the display than the actual length (in lines) of the file. It was painful trying to scroll through dove-net.txt on my system.
The thing that was loading the text file assumed that it would encounter CRLF line endings. I've committed a change which should handle this better. It'll also accept .asc, .msg, or .txt files now.
I did a git pull from the server, even recompiled, even copied *.js from the repo but I'm not seeing
anything different on the output.
Yup, so for example when the initial "stock" bulletins load up it
pulls system.msg for the Statistics.
I was hoping there was a way to use these in echicken's BS bulletin
tool along with the reference to the message base.
Looks like frame.js support @-codes in ".ans" files only. Not sure why.
Re: Bullsh*t Bulletins - Support for msg?
By: Digital Man to Hatton on Tue Sep 22 2020 08:37 pm
Yup, so for example when the initial "stock" bulletins load up it
pulls system.msg for the Statistics.
I was hoping there was a way to use these in echicken's BS bulletin
tool along with the reference to the message base.
Looks like frame.js support @-codes in ".ans" files only. Not sure why.
I've been through three iterations of this reply so far.
I pulled in the frame.js from the latest commit (along with a rebuild). Am I missing a step in the updates to pull over the latest & greatest committed JS files as well?
I started to ask about echicken pulling this code over and decided to dust off my own fading memory. On my local copy I've pulled the @-code logic from the ANS section to the section for TXT, MSG and such.
After some fiddling, I ended up replacing:
this.putmsg(lines.shift() + "\r\n");
var line = lines.shift();
//parse 'ATCODES'??
line = line.replace(/@(.*)@/g,
function (str, code, offset, s) {
return bbs.atcode(code);
this.putmsg(line + "\r\n");
This works for the most part but some of the lines are coming back as null, which tells me that there's a missing mapping for the @-code somehow.
Likes like this return null
^An^Ah^AwThis is ^Ay@BBS@^Aw located in ^Ay@LOCATION@^Aw
Likes like this work
with your sysop, ^Ay@SYSOP@^Aw here to serve you.
I also know that the files will need to be updated to remove the CLS calls.
Any thoughts?
I started to ask about echicken pulling this code over and decided to dust off my own fading memory.
On my local copy I've pulled the @-code logic from the ANS section to the section for TXT, MSG and
line = line.replace(/@(.*)@/g,
function (str, code, offset, s) {
return bbs.atcode(code);
Likes like this return null
^An^Ah^AwThis is ^Ay@BBS@^Aw located in ^Ay@LOCATION@^Aw
Likes like this work
with your sysop, ^Ay@SYSOP@^Aw here to serve you.
You're almost there. The regex needs an adjustment to handle multiple @ codes in a string. Try this instead:
Dunno. Do you multiple files named frame.js on your file system?
That did the trick! I applied that to both the original code from the ANS section as well and it also corrected the output errors from that section.
So the next question is do I commit this change to the Git repository or does it only live in my
Re: Bullsh*t Bulletins - Support for msg?
By: echicken to Hatton on Fri Sep 25 2020 01:38 am
You're almost there. The regex needs an adjustment to handle multiple @ codes in a string. Try this instead:
That did the trick! I applied that to both the original code from the ANS section as well and it also corrected the output errors from that section.
So the next question is do I commit this change to the Git repository or does it only live in my instance?
Some other codes (MENU, TYPE, INCLUDE) could screw up the display as well, while others (EXEC, JS) could be downright "dangerous".
Adding this functionality to frame.js means that anything that uses it and loads files will suddenly start handling @-codes when it didn't before. Not a huge concern, but a bad file in somebody's ANSIView gallery or whatever could be trouble. If this change is made, it should be made carefully.
Some other codes (MENU, TYPE, INCLUDE) could screw up the display as
well, while others (EXEC, JS) could be downright "dangerous".
Good point. @-codes in a user-supplied content are a security issue. And not a small one.
Re: Bullsh*t Bulletins - Support for msg?
By: Digital Man to echicken on Fri Sep 25 2020 10:19 am
Some other codes (MENU, TYPE, INCLUDE) could screw up the display as
well, while others (EXEC, JS) could be downright "dangerous".
Good point. @-codes in a user-supplied content are a security issue. And not a small one.
There's an interesting "silver lining" to what I found - the coding I copied over doesn't appear to be handling those codes properly. For example, the CLS did nothing, nor did the control code for "hit any key" that were in the .MSG files I copied over from the system default bulletins.
That does raise an interesting question though - I'm assuming there is a layer of protection built into the default bulletin tool. What's the difference on that? Is it calling a different library?
Yeah, I think that's just for technical reasons, not security. Frame.js is for a non-scrolling BBS experience, so CLS, PAUSE, and many other @-codes don't really make sense in that context.
BullsEye! bulletins only display files (not messages) and it assumes that the sysop either create the files or is in direct control of their content (and no one else is). BullsEye! calls the JS bbs.menu() function directly to display files - no intermediate JS library involved.
Re: Bullsh*t Bulletins - Support for msg?
By: Digital Man to Hatton on Fri Sep 25 2020 04:41 pm
Yeah, I think that's just for technical reasons, not security. Frame.js is for a non-scrolling BBS experience, so CLS, PAUSE, and many other @-codes don't really make sense in that context.
Fair point - I wonder if there should be an "exclude" list that filters out any dangerous commands. Actually...
BullsEye! bulletins only display files (not messages) and it assumes that the sysop either create the files or is in direct control of their content (and no one else is). BullsEye! calls the JS bbs.menu() function directly to display files - no intermediate JS library involved.
The way I had intended to use BS was by making use of the local message area that only SYSOP user(s) would have access to. That's how echicken has it set up in the docs. Those posts and the fixed files that I ported over from BullsEye!
I know I had initially floated the idea of setting up multiple message areas and pointing one to a network driven announcement area but I scrapped that concept on the very valid concerns that ec raised in that first reply.
At this point I haven't even *tried* to bring in the message base posts for the bulletins. That's the next step.
Yeah, I think the way that BS is used, @-codes are likely safe. I think the "problem" that ec was trying to point out: frame.js is used by other modules where the parsing/expansion of @-codes might not actually be safe. So enabling it for *all* uses of frame.js is probably not a good idea.
Re: Bullsh*t Bulletins - Support for msg?
By: Digital Man to Hatton on Fri Sep 25 2020 09:16 pm
Yeah, I think the way that BS is used, @-codes are likely safe. I think the "problem" that ec was trying to point out: frame.js is used by other modules where the parsing/expansion of @-codes might not actually be safe. So enabling it for *all* uses of frame.js is probably not a good idea.
Makes complete sense, especially since frame.js could be considered a good use of "portable" code.
I think what happened was that I introduced a new use-case for BS. I don't want to present my users with two distinct bulletin systems (BullsEye! and BS). At the same time I like the dynamic content presentation concept of BullsEye! and the message-board driven aspect of BS.
If this were to push out to other SysOps, would this then warrant a different "split" of frame.js? Or am I the only one looking at this concept and saying, "hey, this is cool!"?
Also, please forgive the grammar - it's late and I've had a few drinks. Spellcheck can only go so far :)
If this were to push out to other SysOps, would this then warrant a different "split" of frame.js?
Re: Bullsh*t Bulletins - Support for msg?
By: Hatton to Digital Man on Sat Sep 26 2020 06:36:23
If this were to push out to other SysOps, would this then warrant a different "split" of frame.js?
No. It would require some new functionality in frame.js, but not another version. We'd just want to make sure it's handling certain @ codes properly, and probably make it disallow other ones altogether.
One of the problems is the integrity of the display. Frame needs to know what exists in each character cell on the screen at any one time, and (maybe) where the cursor currently is. Certain @ codes might pull
the rug out from under it, but that can be accounted for.
Say you load a .txt file which includes @exec:irc.js@. Frame has no idea that the entire contents of the screen have been obliterated by an IRC client and needs to be redrawn after that script exits.
Suppose it doesn't execute irc.js but some other script that potentially screws up your BBS.
So we need to filter out the 'exec' @-code and maybe others, or have a switch that disables them by default. It'll just take a bit of work.
Ive just installed bullshit, I followed the suggested setup instructions and it appears to run just
fine. However the message area I associated with it doesnt seem to show up on the bullshit menu when
i post a message in it.. Any thing I could look at to hunt the problem?
Re: Bullsh*t Bulletins - Support for msg?
By: Nitro to echicken on Fri Oct 09 2020 21:11:22
The message area itself shouldn't be listed anywhere, only the
messages that it contains.
Someone else is complaining of a similar problem, so there's probably
a bug. I'll have a look at it sometime in the next couple of days and
see what I can do.
Greetings echicken!
Saturday October 10 2020 18:00, you wrote to Nitro about an urgent matter!:
Re: Bullsh*t Bulletins - Support for msg?
By: Nitro to echicken on Fri Oct 09 2020 21:11:22
The message area itself shouldn't be listed anywhere, only the
messages that it contains.
Yes ok, I was only expecting to see the post..
Someone else is complaining of a similar problem, so there's probably
a bug. I'll have a look at it sometime in the next couple of days and see what I can do.
One thing I did notice is after following your instructions is that in scfg message areas where I did the message area setup I called the intenal part as BULLSHIT like written, and when exiting out it displays it as Local-BULLSHIT is that a problem?
One thing I did notice is after following your instructions is that in scfg message areas where I
did the message area setup I called the intenal part as BULLSHIT like written, and when exiting out
it displays it as Local-BULLSHIT is that a problem?
On my system, the "Bulletins" Sub-Board belongs to a Message Group called "Local", which has an Internal Code Prefix of "LOCAL_". Consequently, the Internal Code for my "Bulletins" Sub-Board is "LOCAL_BULLETIN", so in bullshit.ini I have:
messageBase = LOCAL_BULLETIN
* Forwarded from area 'sync_sysops'
Re: Bullsh*t Bulletins - Support for msg?
By: Rick Smith to echicken on Sat Oct 10 2020 21:19:28
I made a change to bullshit yesterday which might help. Please try updating and let me know if it's fixed.
The messageBase setting in bullshit.ini should be whatever shows up
for Internal Code when looking at your bulletins Sub-Board in scfg.
You can give the Sub-Board whatever name and Internal Code you want.
On my system, the "Bulletins" Sub-Board belongs to a Message Group
called "Local", which has an Internal Code Prefix of "LOCAL_". Consequently, the Internal Code for my "Bulletins" Sub-Board is "LOCAL_BULLETIN", so in bullshit.ini I have:
messageBase = LOCAL_BULLETIN
Re: Bullsh*t Bulletins - Support for msg?
By: Rick Smith to echicken on Sat Oct 10 2020 21:19:28
The messageBase setting in bullshit.ini should be whatever shows up
for Internal Code when looking at your bulletins Sub-Board in scfg.
You can give the Sub-Board whatever name and Internal Code you want.
On my system, the "Bulletins" Sub-Board belongs to a Message Group
called "Local", which has an Internal Code Prefix of "LOCAL_". Consequently, the Internal Code for my "Bulletins" Sub-Board is "LOCAL_BULLETIN", so in bullshit.ini I have:
Thank you for your reply... I did try exactly that.. I even added some files as directed in the docs and they dont show up either a .txt file and a .msg although I see that is not supported as of yet.. but neither displayed.. I must have done something else wrong or missed something, Ill keep searching..
I couldn't get the message board portion of this working on my setup either.
I made a change to bullshit yesterday which might help. Please try
updating and let me know if it's fixed.
Thank you for your reply... I did try exactly that.. I even added some files as directed in the docs
and they dont show up either a .txt file and a .msg although I see that is not supported as of yet..
but neither displayed.. I must have done something else wrong or missed something, Ill keep
It would probably work now if you updated and tried again. I fixed a pretty silly bug yesterday.
Re: Bullsh*t Bulletins - Support for msg?
By: Rick Smith to echicken on Sun Oct 11 2020 11:58:22
Did you try updating as suggested? I would expect it to list messages
message area. Files work too, I have not tested .msg so I can not report on that.. But all is well
here now... Thank you..
Re: Bullsh*t Bulletins - Support for msg?
By: Rick Smith to echicken on Mon Oct 12 2020 06:16:36
message area. Files work too, I have not tested .msg so I can not
report on that.. But all is well here now... Thank you..
You'll need an up-to-date copy of exec/load/frame.js in order for .asc/.msg loading to work, otherwise you'll be limited to .ans or .txt files.
Greetings echicken!
Monday October 12 2020 13:09, you wrote to me about an urgent matter!:
Re: Bullsh*t Bulletins - Support for msg?
By: Rick Smith to echicken on Mon Oct 12 2020 06:16:36
message area. Files work too, I have not tested .msg so I can not
report on that.. But all is well here now... Thank you..
You'll need an up-to-date copy of exec/load/frame.js in order for .asc/.msg loading to work, otherwise you'll be limited to .ans or .txt files.
Can I ask a ? I probably already know? I assume there is a way to just pull all updates down?
From my experience, this doesn't update the files in the xtrn directory. I've had to manually copy those.
That's true. And BullsHit! is located in the xtrn/bullshit directory. You could symlink that/those directories too.
From my experience, this doesn't update the files in the xtrn directory. I've had to manually copy those.
From my experience, this doesn't update the files in the xtrn directory I've had to manually copy those.
That's true. And BullsHit! is located in the xtrn/bullshit directory.
You could
symlink that/those directories too.
From my experience, this doesn't update the files in the xtrn directory I've had to manually copy those.
That's true. And BullsHit! is located in the xtrn/bullshit directory. You could
symlink that/those directories too.
Ok, what is symlink? I run sbbs on Windows 10 32bit.
That's true. And BullsHit! is located in the xtrn/bullshit directory. You could
symlink that/those directories too.
Ok, what is symlink? I run sbbs on Windows 10 32bit.
From a command prompt, run "mklink".
Re: Re: Bullsh*t Bulletins - Supp
By: Digital Man to Zazz on Thu Oct 15 2020 10:16:36
That's true. And BullsHit! is located in the xtrn/bullshit directory. You could
symlink that/those directories too.
Ok, what is symlink? I run sbbs on Windows 10 32bit.
From a command prompt, run "mklink".
I did without params and it gave me info on what it wants. If it is on the wiki I will read more on it because I am not sure how to use it.
Digital Man wrote to Zazz <=-
From a command prompt, run "mklink".
Re: Re: Bullsh*t Bulletins - Supp
By: Zazz to Digital Man on Thu Oct 15 2020 06:11 pm
Re: Re: Bullsh*t Bulletins - Supp
By: Digital Man to Zazz on Thu Oct 15 2020 10:16:36
That's true. And BullsHit! is located in the xtrn/bullshit directory. You could
symlink that/those directories too.
Ok, what is symlink? I run sbbs on Windows 10 32bit.
From a command prompt, run "mklink".
I did without params and it gave me info on what it wants. If it is on wiki I will read more on it because I am not sure how to use it.
The Synchronet wiki does not explain how to use Windows' mklink. But it would be something like this:
mklink /d \sbbs\xtrn\bullshit \sbbs\repo\xtrn\bullshit
This, assuming \sbbs\xtrn\bullshit doesn't already exist, would create a "fake"
directory \sbbs\xtrn\bullshit which is actually just a link to \sbbs\repo\xtrn\bullshit. See how many times I just said bullshit in a technical context? EC is smarter than he looks.
|10On 15 Oct 2020, Digital Man said the following...|10
Re: Re: Bullsh*t Bulletins - Supp
By: Zazz to Digital Man on Thu Oct 15 2020 06:11 pm
Re: Re: Bullsh*t Bulletins - Supp
By: Digital Man to Zazz on Thu Oct 15 2020 10:16:36
That's true. And BullsHit! is located in the xtrn/bullshit directory. You could
symlink that/those directories too.
Ok, what is symlink? I run sbbs on Windows 10 32bit.
From a command prompt, run "mklink".
I did without params and it gave me info on what it wants. If it is on wiki I will read more on it because I am not sure how to use it.
The Synchronet wiki does not explain how to use Windows' mklink. But it would be something like this:
mklink /d \sbbs\xtrn\bullshit \sbbs\repo\xtrn\bullshit
This, assuming \sbbs\xtrn\bullshit doesn't already exist, would create a "fake"
directory \sbbs\xtrn\bullshit which is actually just a link to \sbbs\repo\xtrn\bullshit. See how many times I just said bullshit in a technical context? EC is smarter than he looks.
EC is always smart. However, what if I do already have the \sbbs\xtrn\bullshit folder?
And the purpose of this link is what?
Maybe a question that has an obvious answer, but enlighten me anyways? Also I can also do this mklink for other \sbbs\xtrn\* folders?
Ok, what is symlink? I run sbbs on Windows 10 32bit.
From a command prompt, run "mklink".
On 10-16-20 07:20, poindexter FORTRAN wrote to Digital Man <=-
Digital Man wrote to Zazz <=-
From a command prompt, run "mklink".
I had no idea Windows had symlinks. Thanks for sharing.
Re: Re: Bullsh*t Bulletins - Supp
By: Digital Man to Zazz on Thu Oct 15 2020 10:16 am
Ok, what is symlink? I run sbbs on Windows 10 32bit.
From a command prompt, run "mklink".
I have never heard of this program before. When did they add it?
Wher have I been?
From a command prompt, run "mklink".
I have never heard of this program before. When did they add it? Where have I been? Immortal
I don't use symlinks much in Windows. You haven't been missing much.
say how synchronet defaults to use ../xtrn etc instead of absolute paths is brilliant. It is much easier to change things later on if necessary. The majority of previous BBS software I have used, especially DOS based, always used absolute paths.
EC is always smart. However, what if I do already have the \sbbs\xtrn\bullshit folder?
You could leave or move it out of the way. Your choice.
And the purpose of this link is what?
To allow easy update of the directory's contents using git.
Re: Re: Bullsh*t Bulletins - Supp
By: Digital Man to Zazz on Fri Oct 16 2020 20:16:30
EC is always smart. However, what if I do already have the \sbbs\xtrn\bullshit folder?
You could leave or move it out of the way. Your choice.
And the purpose of this link is what?
To allow easy update of the directory's contents using git.
So if I understand this I can use mklink, leave the current \xtrn\bullshit folder and it update the the ..\xtrn\bullshit actual folder?
From a command prompt, run "mklink".
I have never heard of this program before. When did they add it? Where have I been?
Sysop: | Rempala |
Location: | Richlands, NC |
Users: | 109 |
Nodes: | 10 (0 / 10) |
Uptime: | 146:21:01 |
Calls: | 331 |
Files: | 6 |
Messages: | 110,851 |